
What happened to my good baby?

by  |  earlier

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My son is going to be 1 in a week and a half, and I seriously dont know who this kid is! He was the easiest baby, slept through the night, rarely cried, and was the best eater. Now, this kid is the worst. He is constantly whining and crying, is needy, and is always cranky. Is this behavior normal when children get to this age? And we dont spoil him so thats not what it is. I dont know how to deal with it, it makes me so frustrated. Any advice is welcome. thanks.




  1. how long has his attitude been changed? It could be a growth spurt or teething pain.

  2. It's just a phase they go through. My son is 2 1/2 now and really the only thing I can say is that it's normal.  

  3. My son (7months) also used to sleep through the night and such... but we recently moved and he has been waking through the night again. So, I would have to ask- any big changes lately? Also, my boy just got his top teeth and has started to bite himself. Like his lip and such. Poor little guy. Just getting used to all them teefers I guess.  

  4. Sounds like my daughter when she was teething and went thru her first big growth spurt.

    sleeping was irratic.. and she didnt eat much when her teeth hurt... also she became a screaming whinning mess. it was a scary experience.

    plus even subtle changes in the house can s***w up a child's schedule.

    just show him as much love as possible... patience where you think you have no more left... and most of all get down on his level and be consistant on dicipline. it really is important at this stage.. they are creating a blue print of their lives in their heads...

    "if i do this.. this will happen.." consistancy is key.

    approaching one is an interesting stage. you can sometimes get a taste of the terrible twos... good luck.

  5. i dont know the answer to your question, but i think its pretty cruel to refer to your child as whiny and needy.

    maybe he is needy, he is a child - they are all needy in a sense. maybe he just wants attention - give him it, he is a baby, he deserves it.

  6. He can sense your negative feeling toward him.  You said you don't spoil him--maybe he needs more positive attention and affection.    Do you pay more attention to him when he cries or when he is "good?"  If it's attention he's seeking, he will settle for negative attention over no attention at all.

    Also, keep in mind that he will go through changes for the rest of his life. and you must decide that you will love and appreciate him in every stage.   And don't get too comfortable in one stage, because he will change.  Even after he moves out of the house, he will continue to go through changes.

  7. no that is not just an age thing.  Something else must be going on.  Is he walking yet?  Some babies instinctively have a little bit of an "attitude" change before a major milestone.  He may be on the verge of walking.  Or maybe he's getting several new teeth at once.  Have you recently moved or changed your job schedule?  He's probably just trying to adjust to some change, be it physical or emotional.  The most important thing is for you to be consistent in your love and care, and this too will pass.  

  8. They often mention the terrible twos but my experience has been that they start at 1 and go to 18, with good times in between. He is probably frustrated at the lack of ability to keep up with his growing intelligence. My oldest was often frustrated because she did not have the ability to express herself in the ways she wanted or t he freedom she craved but given time it gets better  

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