
What happened to my huge ego?

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i am an outgoing fun person that cant live 2 days without seeing friends or having a party and ill tell the truth and say i have a huge ego and think really highly about myself but lately i have been just wanting 2 stay home and I dont think highly of myself anymore its driving me crazy how can i go back 2 my old self ?




  1. Sometimes we need to learn to come to the end of ourselves so that we can be a bit more humble about who we really are.  Life is not about me, me, and me - we have to learn to realize that there is a purpose for our lives which we need to find and its clearly life is not a party surrounded by me! There is a saying that 'Pride comes before a fall.'  

    You see friend you are trying to prove to everyone that you are a great guy because in actual fact you don't really feel so good about yourself as you should.  You have doubts and there are things about you that you know you need to change. You are too self absorbed. That's not good either.  This all comes through what you are saying.

    All this is part of maturing.  The thing is you need not prove yourself.  Somewhere along your lifeline someone said something nasty to you about you and it hurt you and you ran with the hurt all this time and chose to disprove what was said about you when in actual fact there was no need to because the chances are that it was said for a different reason and not with the aim to hurt you so deeply. You saw it differently and decided you will prove the person wrong and so now you realize its wearing you out!

    Perhaps its a good thing because now you are ready to accept the truth about life.  God made you for a great purpose. You are not a mistake and you are somebody.  God gave you your good looks and he gave you a good mind and he gave you talents and gifts and skills to use in the race of time.  These talents are to be used by you for your purpose so now its time to find that.

    Playing around must end and a new season is before you. People like you and that's good because you have managed to learn to be a nice guy, but now let the real nice guy come forward. Become caring, kind, good, considerate, regard others as more important than yourself and do for others what you really would love done for you. Be loyal and faithful and trustworthy. No longer swim downstream with the rest of the guys but become the man you are meant to be and swim upstream.  Face the giants and be accountable in what you say, do, think and feel.  DO positive things and never go into the negative realm.  Its a bad zone, because its a place where things like sadness criticism loneliness hurt pain depression hatred anger and everything negative dwells.  Each negative draws more negative things towards and it results in destruction.  So whenever you feel negative cry out to God and say: "Father help me the negative things are trying to destroy me!" God will reply "Son, swap the negative thought with the opposite thought and run with it.  I am right beside you and I will give you the strength that you need!" God is so cool. He loves you, he cares for you.  He made you to be unique with your own exclusive set of thumbprints.  You are one of a kind.  He only has good intentions for your life and he doesn't bring disaster on you.  You do that yourself by what you choose to run with. If you have then God will use it to teach you how to get out of the circumstance you are in and the key is to turn to him and not to complain but to ask him what he wants to show you from the situation and then to learn from it.  You see this is how ones character is built up. God will use the disasters and turn them around.  He says he will give us beauty for the ashes, and the oil of joy for the mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that you may become the tree of righteousness planted by God so that God may be glorified.

    Seek God while he may still be found and run the race of time and he will run right beside you.  If you fall he will pick you up, dust you off and heal you and you will continue and when you reach the finishing line he will be waiting for you with his arms open wide ready to receive you and say "Well done my son - you did it! I knew you would!" "Delight yourself in God and he will give you the desires of your heart!" That is so true.Its biblical.

    You can choose positive then positive will come your way with plenty more or you can choose negative and negative will take you all the way through negative people, relationships, situations and finally destroy you completely.  

    Everything in life surrounds the word 'choice' and what we choose either makes or breaks us. We have to choose - its actually the only freedom we have in life! SO what are you going to choose for your life. You cannot avoid this.  You have to choose. Learn to think carefully about what you say, do, think, feel etc. Learn to be accountable, understanding and most of all wise.  Ask God for his wisdom and understanding and you will really find something so valuable you will be amazed. Why on earth people fear this road is a mystery to me.It's what the world tells us that makes one wary, when in actual fact the world is going down stream all the way to destruction and that is clearly visible.  You need only look at the news to see that! You are going to be fine

  2. Try "acting as if."  You may not feel good right now but if you force yourself to think positively and resume being active, your spirits will naturally improve as a result.  Be optimistic and immerse yourself in work and your favorite hobbies.  As Abraham Lincoln said, "People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

    It sounds like you simply have the blues.  However, if feelings of lethargy and low self-esteem persist, you may be suffering from clinical depression.  Depressed people also tend to be irritable and have poor concentration.  If you notice these behaviors in yourself, you should seek help from a professional.  

  3. Not a lot wrong with seeing friends but friends could also get you to do something wrong then you realize it later and realize that was wrong.  Parties can also be bad, if it is a drinking party it will amplify your feelings and numb others which could cause you to do something you might not have wanted to do like for instance if you can think you can still drive after one beer you might think you can driver after two beers and then you might think you can drive after a lot of beers.  If it is a s*x party you could really get screwed.  lol.  No seriously, you've heard of STDs right?  Also an exchange of bodily fluids can give you an STD.  Kissing is an exchange of bodily fluids.  Tuberculosis can be caught through being in close proximity.  If you touch someone with tuberculoses it is more likely to catch it.  It is rare but if someone just got it, how would you know?

  4. You sound like St Francis of Assissi!

  5. Well, the day you "lost your ego"-- what happened before you lost it? Maybe you're just socially drained and need to build yourself back up. Take a few days from hanging out with friends, and see if that helps.

    If that doesn't work, maybe hanging out with your friends more will boost you back to your old self.

    Maybe you're depressed? I know that depression makes you lose interest in things you used to enjoy..

  6. Maybe subconsciously you realize there are far more serious issues in the world than your own self-gratification and the fact that you've done absolutley nothing towards the improvement of society or anyone other than yourself for that matter other than to make the alcohol distributors wealthier. Or maybe I'm just trying to make you angry enough to get out of your slump and prove me wrong.

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