
What happened to the Y2K people?

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Ok, so I'm dying to know what happened to those poor b******s that panicked about Y2K and mortgaged their houses and quit their jobs and built underground bunkers and spent all their savings on supplies for the end of the world. News stories would be great ;-)




  1. The smart ones only invested in things that would improve their lifestyles anyway--like growing their own food and generating their own electricity. The ones who went into debt to hoard gold and guns--they turned into cynical b******s wondering why "nothing" (other than lots of small glitches) happened (after $100 billion dollars worth of corrective programing).

    They also inadvertantly sealed our doom, because that was the last cry of wolf most people were willing to take seriously. Now that we've got a perfect storm of dwindling resources, crumbling financial institutions, climate change, acidifying oceans, political unrest, an overstretched military, a burst housing bubble, a lethal industrial food system, millions without healthcare, oil-dependent agriculture, and widespread unemployment, a lot of folks are sitting around thinking everything will turn out peachy "just because" even if they do nothing. After all, those Y2K nuts said something bad would happen, and we got through fine, so bad things must not really happen.

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