
What happens in breaking dawn???????

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i dont care if it'll spoil it, i really badly want to detail please!!!!!!! THANKS





  2. 1) Bella and Edward ge married
    2)On their honeymoon they make love
    3) they return home and bella finds out that she is pragnant
    4) Edward and Jacob pursude her to have an abortion
    5) Bella refuses
    6) while she is pregnant the she as pains because the baby( which is half vampier) is eating away at her)
    7) once she is in labour it is too much for her so Edward turns her into a vampier
    8)They call the baby Renesmee
    9) the volturi hear about Renesmee and pay her a vist
    10)Jacob and Renesmee fall in love
    11) the volturi surrender
    They live happiley ever after!

  3. Edward and Bella get married and have s*x on thier hooneymoon. The baby turns out to be a girl but bella thought it was a boy and was going to call it edward. Jacob founds out and the pack try to kill the baby. Jacob doesnt want it so he becomes head of the pack and leah and seth join. They call the baby ressemee and the baby is thirsty for blood so she starts killing bella. Edward turns bella into a vampire and she gets better. Charlie visits the cullens and he founds out.

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