
What happens then?[Football]?

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Ok I want to play football in highschool.

When I start, what happens what goes on, whats it like.

And how is the league like and what goes on?

Id like to know everything that goes on when i start as a freshman playing.Will I play with other people or just freshmen.




  1. it just depends on how good you are

  2. It depends on how good you are. Most freshmen dont get alot of playing time unless they are really good. When I played the older guys always would pick on the younger guys, but nothing really serious. It was sot of like an initiating, No matter how tough it gets and if you make mistakes dont give up. Being a freshman football player is a learning experience. You might get tired but dont give up and dont let others make it hard on you. You will be ok. Now if you have a stupid coach its ok to quit or transfer. Good luck

  3. Depending on school size and how many people go out for football.

    A larger school near by has four squads; Freshman, Sophomore, JV, and Varsity. For the most part is based on skill, I've seen Freshman starts on Varsity, but thats a matter of skill. Its essentially the same as Junior high, it a little more serious and alot harder If you lift weights decently, and have strength you'll be fine. You play usually a mixture of ages if you play JV and up. Most likely you'll play your own class though for Sophomore and Freshman..

  4. Well in KY you start out in 8th grade.  Lifting weights and summer workouts up until your freshman year.  Sometime in before school you would head out to training camp.  Once the season starts you'd have daily practice with most likely the freshman squad.  If you are ahead of the curb you may be selected to play JV or Varsity.  Freshman and JV teams have exhibition games and Varsity competes at he highest level.  The season ends with of course the state playoffs.  

    It will probably be overwhelming at first especially if you are new to the game.  Don't fret though, the NFL has plenty of people that picked up the game with only a few years of organized play.

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