
What happens to homeless people?

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Suppose a homeless person is found sleeping on a beachfront. When a cop comes, what exactly do they do? Suppose they refuse to leave. What happens (severity of punishment)?

Also, is it illegal for a person to sleep in their car in certain places?




  1. they become dog food!~

  2. Y don't u get kicked out of ur house, go roll around in some dirt and sleep in ur car til the cops come. Problem solved/ question answered

  3. In some states and most big cities it is illegal to sleep in public.  YOu can be arrested and go to jail.  Not years but  a few weeks.  Often though they do just wake you up and ask you to move if you refuse then there is a problem

    Yes in most places there are laws about sleeping in your car

  4. Sleeping in your car shouldnt be illegal, but cops can pull you over for it

  5. If this happened in California, and the Law Enforcement Officer asked the homeless person to leave, and the Homeless person refuses (which in most cases does not happen), The homeless person can possibly be charged with California 602PC (Trespassing).

    Sleeping in your car is not illegal.

  6. Refusing to follow the directives of a police officer is Obstructing the Legal Process, which is a misdemeanor.  

  7. Every city / county has their own laws.  You need specific information about a specific place, so you ought to provide specific details in your question.

  8. they fly to the moon get money and come back         for

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