
What happens to the test missiles?

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I was just reading about the Iranians testing missiles. Can someone tell me what happens to the test missiles? Do they explode the missiles to see their power/performance or what? Did these test missiles actually hit some test targets? How do they test a surface-to-air missile? Do they actually attempt to hit a test aircraft with it?




  1. The test missiles that you are asking about a re not live missiles.  They have everything a normal missle would have except for the part that causes the nasty side effect of death.  They dont have uranium in them.  They test these missiles to see how accurate they are.  I hope this helped a little.

    Good luck!


  2. All of the above.  Depends on what info is needed and what application the missile would have.

    Of course, they don't want them to fall into possession of other nations, so I am sure there are destruct options if it goes astray.

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