
What has been your worst birthday.?

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What has been your worst birthday.?




  1. my 16th birthday was rubbish

    i got sacked from work experience

    coz i had been on work experience my school friends had forgot

    i didnt get many presents and they were cheap versions of the things i had asked for

    i got no money and the restaurant i wanted to go to was booked up so i had to settle for a takeaway pizza instead

    i really didnt enjoy that day

    my 18th was rubbish too coz i was in majorca with my mum and dad constantly arguing which upset me and my brother

    i also had sunstroke that day

  2. my 14th. Cause i did not do anything special, and my brothers made fun of me, and were bothering me. And they wrote something on my cake (with that iceing) that i did not appreciate. And I was being pushed and almost cracked, until i did, i was chasing my brothers around the table, with everyone trying to stop me, and i left the room, with the candles still not blown out, and did not come back down. Cause at that point i just needed to be alone. My brothers use to be very annoying, now they are just annoying. But the next day my parents felt bad, so they got another cake for me, and we did the whole cake part again. And i invited my best friend to sleep over.

  3. My 18th I had a massive party with all my family and friends there, but i couldnt enjoy myself or even have my first legal drink as my mum got soo drunk i had to babysit her all night....... was not impressed.  

  4. My 16th....too much to drink, made a fool of myself :S lol x

  5. My worst birthday ever was my 21st in 1962 - I spent two weeks in hospital in Germany [Army] with tonsillitis - cannot imagine anything worse.

    Well at least I managed to suck an icecream everything else felt like eating barbed wire.

  6. 40th. I was moving house, job and country and it passed without notice.

    Made up for it since though

  7. Prolly the year my mother died. No one was really in the mood to celebrate. She had been dead but two months and before was the one to organise such things.

  8. When my husband had just left me and our very young son. I remember trying to play with him, leaving footprint patterns in the frost as we wove a path across the grass and me trying to hide my tears from him.

    But hey - that was five years ago and now my boy makes me lovely cards for my birthdays and I love him more than I could ever love anyone else. Just a shame about his dad...

  9. my #12...... a long story but I lost my best Friend and now I just can't get the nerve to talk to her.............

  10. My 21st...

    In the weeks leading up to it I lost most of the vision in my left eye (optic Neuritis), didn't have a job, was told I might have M.S. and got dumped from a 4 year relationship... happy days!

  11. last year (my 38th) - my dad was in a coma after having a heart attack.  spent the day visiting him, then went out to to a rubbish concert with my friends, but couldnt drink incase i got called to the hospital.

  12. My 15th, nobody remembered! >:(

  13. My 18th! I spent it in a pub on my own (my so called friends stood me up and other friends were on holiday) and then bumped into my bestfriends dad so ended up chatting to him all night......great!

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