
What helped you lose weight?

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Hi, i am 21, 5'5 and 180lbs. I have always been heavy. for the last few months i have been on a fruit and veggie diet, i swim every day, i bike ride, i take my dogs on walks, but i just can not seem to lose anything. What helped you? Yoga, drinking water, a certain routine? Any advice is helpful, i just want to be healthy.




  1. Water.  Lots of water.

    Also, eat less at night.

  2. This lol:

  3. first thing-stop drinking soda

    second thing-kick sugar out of the house

    third thing limit carbs to about 30% of normal intake for 6 days a week

    fourth thing-even mild exercise will elevate your metabolism

    fifth thing-only weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day

    this is all it took to lose 30 pounds in 6 weeks & still going

  4. If you want to lose lots of weight the right way and look great, then here is an awesome site that will help you out...



  5. 1 - Eating a balanced diet which included all the food groups.

    2 -Eating more calories at breakfast than at dinner

    3 -Having samll snacks  and smaller portions at lunch and dinner to accomodate them.  But only of nutritous food with a bit of fat or protein as that holds you over better

    4 - Keeping  a food, exercise, and water journal to make sure I stayed on track.

    5 - Not doing the same exercises each day ... the bod gets used to the demands put on it pretty quickly.

    Don't know if this helped, but I made sure to get enough sleep (still do) as I tend to go off my plan when I'm tired.

    Good Luck

  6. Everyone is going to denounce this answer, but for every meal, I made sure that half of the food on my plate was protein.  Meat, poultry, fish, eggs.  The other half was veggies, any kind you like.  I didn't count calories, fats, or carbs.  Drank lots of water.  I lost 69 pounds in about 14 months.  I lost it too fast, and I gained 40 back a couple of years ago.  It's a boring diet, and I got tired of it after about 8 months, but I kept at it for my health.  Now, I cannot afford to eat that way, and I am troubled by my whole situation.

  7. I have lost 80lbs in 7 months. I did it by eating healthy foods 5-6 times a day. small portions. I drink 96oz of water every day. water and skim milk is all I drink. I eat only 1700 calories a day. I exercise 5 days a week. 3 of those days are pure cardio for an hour with my HR at 85% max. 2 of those days are lifting weights (resistance training) for a half hour and a half hour of cardio with my HR at 75% max.  I do the resistance training before my cardio.

    eat low fat dairy, high fiber, fruit and veggies. only whole grains. no simple white carbs. only complex carbs. lean protein.  no sugary foods. no soda. no juice. no majic pills. no surgery. low saturated fats. no fried food. It isn't easy... but if you put your mind to it. you can accomplish anything. set realistic goals. it is important not to slow your metabolism. do not starve yourself. give yourself time to lose the weight. and make sure this is a lifestyle change for good. if you do it and then go back to the way you were eating... you will gain all the weight back eventually.

    a few other tips are to take a multivitamin and fish oil every day. keep a food and exercise journal. and do different forms of exercise often so the body doesn't get used to one thing.

  8. My blog

  9. Do nt give up!.

    Mental and self discipline is important.

    Patience, Preserverance and Persistence is the combination for successful weight control.

    If you’re looking for a quicker way to burn calories, you’ve to try interval training. Interval training comprises of short, high-intensity exercise periods followed on by longer, lower-intensity periods.

    These 2 sets of interval training when repeated several times, to form a complete workout.

    Examples are:

    Walk-Jog sequences

    Run-Sprint interval

  10. I managed to lose 48lbs in just over 6 months.  This was 2 years ago.  I had always struggled with my weight also.  But I came to the conclusion that I was eating all the wrong foods and was also very inactive.  So I changed my lifestyle.  The results were absolutely amazing.

    I decided to eat a healthy sensible diet and embark on regular exercise.  Two things I had not ever done before.

    I kept all junk foods, ready made processed meals, sugary fizzy drinks, alcohol, and takeaway meals to an absolute minimum.  These are high in refined sugar and full of saturated fat.  The worst two ingredients for adding on those unwanted pounds.  Junk food is just what it says - JUNK.  With one added ingredient in - FAT.

    I included more wholefoods into my diet.  Such as brown bread, brown rice, brown pasta, beans & pulses.  These are high in fiber and will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

    I eat lean meats(no fat on), poultry (no skin on), fish with scales on (no batter), eggs, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (including potatoes - making sure I keep them plain and simple), low fat dairy products, skimmed milk, and non sugary cereals.

    I drink plenty of water, snack on fresh fruit ONLY - inbetween meals, stop eating when I feel full.

    You will only lose weight if you burn more calories than you consume.  To lose a pound.  You have to burn through, exercise or life functions around 3,500 calories.

    So trying to MOVE as MUCH as YOU CAN will really help.  Swimming and riding your bike are great.  Walking too.

    Just try to be patient.  Weight loss can be slow.  It can also be a good idea to fill out a food journal. I found this really useful.  Especially, when I had a good week's weight loss.  Being able to refer to the journal to see where I sometimes lost track.

    Good luck.

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