
What helps you fall asleep?

by  |  earlier

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ok well school is coming up of course and ive been staying up quiet late say about untill 5 am,well i wanna be able 2 sleep earlier for school so that im not tired in the morning well of course its going to be harder to go to sleep after staying up all the time so what can i do?




  1. I'm also having the same problem, I have 2 more days until school and I go to bed around 3 and don't wake up until 11-12, I'm trying to drag myself out of bed around 10 so I'm tired earlier.

  2. Pick a time that you will now make your regular bed time, say midnight and go to bed at that time. Refrain from coffee, tea, cola drinks after dinner. Even if you do not feel tired, go to bed and maybe play music as you lie there. Try to relax each muscle in turn as you lie in bed. This will help you unwind and induce sleep

  3.   Try do something like reading in bed which will help you relax.  I had to do this a lot when I was working third shift on and off.  The best thing is to force you self to get up at the new time no matter what time you fall asleep.  It's rough for a few days but you will be so tired at night from so little sleep you will get on schedule.  

  4. make yourself extra tired by at least execising to the last level. if that not possible try to read a lot till your eyes are tired and dont drink coffee when you want to go to bed.

  5. listen to relaxing music, or read a really boring book!

  6. I highly recommend having 2-3 hot chocolates or hot milks it really makes you drowsy to fall asleep, also try not to stay so late if you can!

  7. Watching Liverpool v Newcastle does it for me.

  8. calcium and valarian root

  9. melatonin

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