
What hobbies/activites should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I don't really do much, and I want to get out more. School starts in a week, and I want to find something to do. But I don't know what. I wanted to join my school's photography club, but they cancelled it. I like to read, and I like artsy stuff. Any ideas of some activities would be fun. I'm sick of sounding boring whenever someone asks me, "What do you like to do?"

And not things like crafting, something that will get me out of the house.




  1. join some play or sports group where u can be active. Run errands or help your neighbours or senior citizens in your vicinity. this will not only make u happy but those around you.

  2. bicycling, roller blades, kayaking, hiking.  

  3. Just because your school cancelled the photography club, doesn't mean you can't do photography.  Go for walks and take pictures of whatever you find interesting.  I'm sure your family and friends would love to see the world through your eyes.  

    I go for walks in the early morning and take pictures.  When I get one I really like, I print it off and frame it.  Even if it's just of a tree or train tracks on a foggy day.  

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