
What if I worked out?

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If I did work-outs that worked my ab area, will that help tone my belly and loose some belly fat?




  1. umm yeah thats kinda the point

  2. Yes, it would tone and strengthen the ab muscles but would do nothing for the actual fat itself. To lose fat you have to eat healthy, and exercise regularly.  

  3. I used to do 200 of daddys ab roller things and then about 100 bicycles a night and my stomach got way thinner. If I would have kept up with it I could have a 6 pack, which isn't what you want anyway. Just working it out will help you don't have to eat healthy.

  4. losing belly fat isn't just about working out your abs, nevertheless it is a significant part of it. It also has to do with your diet. You need a lot of protein to obtain toned abs.  

    If you want, email me and I can help you with working your abs out.

    I do 73 sit-ups in 60 seconds so I know what I'm talking about.

    I will give you different types of ab work-outs instead of just plain old sit-ups or curl ups which can hurt your back. You don't [need] to do other activities to tone your abs, but you should take interest in them any way if you have the time and audacity to do so. Email me for more information if your interested.

    Sincerely, SN. Schmitt-Bataan Military Academy

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