1.the red wings change their name to detroit cougars, would you like the NHL?
2.the nhl disallows sales for beer,what would happen?
3.the league uses melrose as commish, would the nhl ever change?
4.if you had to decide, puckbunies, or ice girls, who would you rather sleep with?
5.Sidney crosby goes to wings for holmstrom and datsyuk, who would be better?
6.Donald bradshear fought sean avery(with averys eyes closed)who would win?
7.the nhl decided to remove 4 teams, and put those rosters on other teams, who would you boot out?
8.what would you do to change the nhl if you were commish>
9.i were to play in the nhl for 1 million bucks, would the media follow me, like they do crosby?
10.noone posted"who will win the cup this year, or who is a better player"questions on yahoo answers, will it be a better section?