
What if....................?

by  |  earlier

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What if you were stranded on an island. would you eat your foot if you knew you wouldnt die from it?




  1. i would find food on the island but even if there was a slit chanes i would be resqud i would

  2. i don't think i could u kno...:-|

  3. No lol it would taste footish lol.

    In less there was nothing what so ever to eat on the island then yes I would.


  4. eww. no.  

  5. That would be the last thing i do! There are so many other easier alternatives to find food when on an island--fruits, animals, roots on land, and fish, eels, prawns, squid, etc in the water. Got these ideas watching the Survivor series! LOL!!

  6. You just wrote this question so you could get 10 pts, didn't you?  

  7. no!! because then it would bleed...and hard to walk...

  8. No.

    I'd find some other food source.

    Don't tell me otherwise!! =]

  9. because it would make it a lot harder to walk around.  

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