
What if the human population increasedquickly?

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What if the human population increasedquickly?




  1. vague

    people would starve

    3rd world everywhere

    famine death and screaming women

    and like the first guy said it IS increasing quickly, 600% in 100 years

  2. More pollution.  Less food, less drinking water, more cars on the roads, more electricity use.  All the problems of the world would be solved by less population of humans.  So we need more people to pass away than what is being born.

  3. Nothing, if you consider the fact that we only cover 2% of the world's landmass. Or you can believe that the world is doomed.

  4. The human population IS increasing quickly.

  5. What would cause such a massive upswing?

  6. It IS increasing quickly, and it is increasing most among the people who can least afford to sustain themselves and have not the knowledge to make something of themselves.

    It is ironic that the swelling  population of third world populations is made possible by Western medicine and Western aid, while social engineering and fashion is causing the  Western peoples to decline in numbers and ultimately in influence.

    Liberal niceties of the 60's and 70's have changed and softened us to the point that the laws of the jungle that we eschewed,  but nevertheless continue to exist, will swallow us whole. Stock up on candles folks - the Dark Ages are staging their return.

  7. It is raising quickly! In places all over the world except a few western countries (but they are flooded by foreigners making it seem otherwise) and China (where I think they got it a little under control). I heard the world can feed 8 billion using current agricultural methods (we have 6 now and rising^), plus with all these people resources are being used rapidly and basically the world is going down the s*****r quick.

  8. There would be more people!

  9. famine, pestilence, all the worst parts of the Bible

  10. if human population increased dramatically and reached what is called the saturation point, famine, war, death, starvation, disease and if tecnology wasn't able to solve the problems that presents them selves, total destruction, except for those who can manage to be the last, they might survive if they have the will and the knowledge

  11. Our food source would not be sufficient, and many would begin to starve. More so than the number of people starving already. Also, there would probably be overcrowding in many cities, and many would have no place to live. Basically, we would go to ****.

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