
What in life is free?

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What in life is free?




  1. Absolutely nothing! We once had the whole world in which to roam. Free air, water, and, with a bit of work, shelter and fire. We could, at times, live off the fruits of the land and, again, with a bit of labor, harvest the bounty of game. Now, we have enslaved ourselves to the fruits of civilization. Given or had taken away, the freedom to roam where we will. Worse yet, we are enslaved to a mythical, non-exist thing, we call wealth and great wealth has come to enslave us all. It enshrouds our hearts, our minds, our souls.

  2. The gift of life, the right to make our own decisions, our dreams, our thoughts, the use of our five senses, our bodies and the right to change our lives at any given moment.

    The air we breathe and the beauty of nature are also free.

  3. Enjoying the moment  and just being yourself. No one can take away your past memories and experiences. Your family, freinds, and love from yourself and God.

  4. samples from HEB on saturdays lol but siriously

  5. the only free in life is unhappiness. You don't have to work for it or work against it. It will come to you. And even so you are held prisoner by unhappiness itself

  6. Homework


    xD Soul.

  7. The air we breathe, the fruits and vegetables we grow in our garden, sea-shells and pebbles on the beach, gifts on your birthdays, discarded second-hand items, and souvenirs one may get now and then. Last and not least, the welfare services offered by some kind volunteers when you are old or disabled. Hey, not too bad, for many  things to be free in life!!!

  8. Free will, the right to choose. Even God will not make his children choose Him over themselves.

  9. when an oppurtunity comes to you  but first you gotta earn what tanya said :)

  10. All your body parts.

  11. Existence.

  12. One great freedom I have always treasured is IMAGINATION. It is free and is yours entirely, and you may use it in whatever way you please - to climb the highest mountain, become famous, do impossible things. You are free in your mind to wander as far as you want to roam. You can choose to be and do whatever your heart desires.

    People in our daily lives can control our work hours, our home life and activities with others, even our style of clothes, etc., but in 'imagination' you can be free to hop a plane and go to a vacation spot for weeks and weeks if you wish to.

    Hats off to creative imagery!  ;- )

  13. nothing.

  14. absolutely noting. you have to earn everything whether it would be respect, love, forgiveness etc. nothing is free.

  15. Oxygen.  Sunlight.  Darkness.  Nature.  Everyone says nothing in life is free, but they overlook simple things.

  16. If I understand the question correctly, free meaning that there is no immediate monetary costs required, then thought is free and dreams, being a function or form of thought are free.

    It you mean that which is without expense, including effort, then nothing is truly free.  

    It all is told in the law of physical dynamics.  "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."  Progress, even that which mankind arose from interstellar dust, requires energy expended towards an end and as such is not free.

  17. Air...s*x...water....a steak dinner if you can run fast enough...
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