
What in the world?!?

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Last night, while driving around while the power was out, we saw 4 huge flashes of a neon blueish-greenish light from four different locations at the same exact time. Anyone have any clue as to what in the heck that would have been?! Swear on my life, it looked like something out of a sci-fi movie!!!




  1. maybe checking with the power company will reveal the answer....perhaps a blown transformer or 4....

  2. They appear to have been four flashing lights.


  3. UFOs thought you were eying them and hit the afterburners

  4. Call the power company, tell them what you saw, and ask them.  My guess is that there was a big power surge which blew out transformer fuses, and what you saw were power transformers up on poles blowing their fuses violently, maybe popping the covers off.  If the power company wasn't so lucky, the power  surge could have actually  damaged transformers  and power sub-stations instead of just blowing the fuses.

    The power surge & resulting damage would also explain why everything went dark again.

    Is your fridge motor running OK today?  How about your furnace/AC fan?  They sometimes suffer if a power surge gets to them.

  5. It sounds like ball lightening

  6. the ball lightning is a good explanation but its unusual for 4 to show up at the same time.Weird id like to see that for myself

  7. It sounds like lightening. Or of coarse, it could of been those sneaky aliens again, reaking havok on us!

    Honestly, I have seen lightening be a bluish green color before during an intense storm.

  8. Uh... Bug-eyed monsters playing with upper-atmospheric lightning? Or the government's testing a new weapon, perhaps?

  9. What about lightning? Sometimes it can come without sound, have different forms and colours and there is no rain or storm. Where I'm from, it usually happens in summer during a long dry spell when the air seems to be charged with electricity.

    That ... or the UFOs.

  10. they are just rays which which are in oscillatory motion from the earth to the atmosphere above the ozone layer.

  11. Not a clue. Spooky.

  12. maybe some guy from Xmen did this dam mutents !!

  13. It sounds like some phenomena that has happened before and been documented on video. I've seen shows on it before, I think they were on the SciFi, TLC, or Discovery channels--I would check their websites for more information. I think one instance happened over Phoenix.

  14. Them answers are stupid. The truth is that you may have 4 stalkers(not suprising looking at the 360 page) who all took photographs of you at the same time. Now isnt that a proper logical answer.?

  15. Sounds like transformers blowing out.

    Not surprising given the power outage.

  16. Most likely what you saw was transformers used by the utility companies being damaged by a short or surge that caused the first power outage. Often times breakers are reset before all the problems are solved.

  17. Sounds like power line transformers blowing or arcing.  That would explain the blackout....either that or it was ET phoning home!!!!
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