
What is 'honour' to men?

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Treffy's answer:

"With honour at stake it is ridiculous to worry about emotional fulfillment"

Doesn't honour = a kind of emotional fulfillment? Discuss.




  1. Honour is being true to themselves their families and friends.

  2. Living up to set of principals of your self or your families

    About taking responsibility for your actions when you stuff up (having the balls to admit you are wrong and try to correct it

  3. question, what is Honor to men , answer i am a man some men you can`t fulfill their expectations , some men have no idea what honor is . if a women honors a man  remember this is your question she puts him on a pedestal to her he is righteous, trusting, respectful, etc.the same thing goes for the man to honor his wife. I`ll tell you straight up if you Honor your man he will make you his queen. i`ve had my queen for 36 years that`s honor.   lol lol xoxoxox

  4. Treffy seems like a bit of a chauvinist in my books. Despite the fact that he doesn't actually say "Women belong in the kitchen!" blardy blah, it kind of indicates it, doesn't it?

    I actually don't think that he meant 'honour', I actually think he meant power and being successful. Women have honour too, everyone does, but his answer seems to only focus on men and that only men have honour. Not true.

    And yes, I suppose honour is a kind of emotional fulfillment; it's an emotional satisfaction and that's what a fulfillment is - a satisfaction.

  5. Fulfilment, at least for some, presupposes an ability to spell the word correctly in the first place.  Discuss.

  6. Honor is doing the right thing no matter how u feel. Most of the time I associate it with overcoming fear to do the right thing. No matter what it is overcoming selfishness to do the right thing.

  7. man provides, protects and care for wife. the wife care for kids and husband at home.

  8. it is something that you could never know, never have a clue about

    But i can tell you this it is not living a life of privilege, that you know....

  9. Let me make it clear that I couldn't think of a better word at the time. I meant that a man's worth, if he has a family, is heavily tied to his success as a provider. He can't care if his job makes him happy because he needs to money so he won't be a failure.

    Honour is a guiding principle. It is my self respect and self worth. It requires upholding my values. It requires that I have integrity, loyalty, honesty, dignity. Any less is not an option. Honour is not emotional fulfillment, it is an obligation more important than life itself.

    I can live without my dreams coming true but honour is the one thing that I can never give up. I see emotional fulfillment as being happy and enjoying life. I don't know any other definitions. I could be wrong about that, I don't know.

    In my opinion, emotional fulfillment = win, honour = draw, and no honour = lose.

  10. I personally feel that honor is closely linked to respect. You can not be honored by someone you do not respect, just as you can not honor someone you do not respect.

    To deserve honor, one must work towards the emotional fulfilment of her/his family and community. Honorable people don't 'tell' people how to live their lives or impose 'roles' on people. Honorable people encourage the betterment of the people around them.

    So yeah, I agree with you that honor is closely linked to emotional fulfilment.

  11. Honor is the praise which is due to an individual. It is a deserved thing, and the context usually dictates what one must do to deserve honor.

    My guess is that the statement to which you're referring includes a set of presuppositions which may not be shared by the rest of us. It may still be honor though in that context.

  12. To me that answer makes no sense. Emotional fulfillment is what drives us to succeed in almost anything we try to accomplish. We work hard at school, work, with family and friends. To give a little to our communities is an honor when you have something to give back.

    Why does it have to somewhat militant to be considered honorable?

  13. It is EGO fulfillment.It is is the set of points that would draw boundaries between right/wrong, good/bad, acceptable/unacceptable etc.Emotions also draw their own boundaries. So to feel sad and cry is acceptable by emotions, but Honor (which is linked to pride), may look at crying as a taboo, especially in front of people.A conservative woman may take any (harsh) remark from her husband regarding cooking,housekeeping etc, BUT she 'd leave him the moment he describes her as a ****. For her, He just trespassed the boundaries of (her) honor.

    So honor is a kind of emotional fulfillment, but emotions R kinda general, & almost common human atributes, where honor is a personal definition regarding thei boundaries and how to deal w/them. emotions R natural. Honor is either tought by parents (klan, tribe etc), or defined the person him/herself ..Does that make any sense? Hope so!! :))

  14. The best way to describe honour is to say that it is something feminists don't normally have. Seriously.

    Of course, not all men have honour either.

  15. Honour is leaving your mark to prove the man you are. It can be anything.

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