
What is ACNielsen Homescan?

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no it is not a virus scanner its a survey type site but how does it work?




  1. When we did Homescan they sent us a scanner device that connected via USB to our computer.  Each time when went shopping, either grocieries or other, we scanned every item and input into the device where the purchases were made.  In return for your time, you recieve points toward items in their magazine.  The stuff looked pretty cool... although we quit before we earned anything.

  2. AC Nielsen is a world leader in market research-the Nielsen TV ratings are one of the things they do. They collect data on consumer purchases and behavior from a number of sources and produce meaningful market information that they sell to consumer goods manufacturers.

    Homescan is a consumer panel-they collect info on you (demographics-location, age, s*x, race, income, etc.) and you report everything you purchase. from the sample of participants they project  (predict) sales and other activity to cover the entire country for numerous categories- from paper towels to dog food and CD's. this information is very valuable to manufacturers.

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