
What is Adam & Eve look like?

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are they look like us or look like the cave men? if they were made look alike God's image, then why there was cave men who wasn't stand straight like us? adam & eve must be thousands of years older than the cave men, right? than what was their faces look like? our face or cave men's face? is it true that the cave men is really evolution from monkey and we are trully adam & eve's son? are we walking in diferent path of evolution with cave men? anybody?




  1. they do look like us. they were created with the image of god and we can not debate on the whys n whos. those answers can only be answered by god himself.

  2. They were handsome & beatiful.

  3. The bibilical term made in the image of God means their spirits or soul  are the image of God, sinless, pure and good. It doesnt matter what they look like. They might had simian looks as discovered by scientists.

  4. belief in cavemen and belief in adam and eve are mutually exclusive... unless you are REALLY good at deluding yourself.

  5. Your question is replete with the answer. Yes the cave men is really evolution from monkey and we are trully adam and even's sons and daughters and we are walking in  different walk of cave men.

  6. God.

  7. we don't really know what they might look like.... but that doesen't matter... we are ALL God's children....

              and we didn't evolve from anything, we just live in a different time of life and are a little smarter. . . that's all...

                   the Bible is written from people's beliefs back then AND what messengers might of told the people AND.. what God might of told the people ....  

                         it's all a mystery,... we won't know until our time comes to die and possibly go to heaven .   n_n

  8. If you belive in creation you generally don't belive in evolution. Adam and Eve looked like pretty people with no belly buttons because they weren't born.

  9. They didn't look much like cave men, they looked like apes.  They basically were apes, apes that talked to God, until they ate the apple, and that wasn't a very good idea at all now was it.

  10. Well they were not fat like we are now

  11. Anthropologists now say that Neanderthal man's difference's  from modern humans was very small. So close in fact that if dressed in modern clothes he would not even be noticed. He was shorter and stockier than most people today, but not so different as to create a scene. The Climate conditions where he lived contributed to his build. Also many scientists believe that Rickets was prevalent in Neanderthals due to a poor diet and the cold.

  12. Adam looked like George from Seinfeld

    Eve looked like Tracy Ullman

  13. I believe that they were beautiful to God. They could have been any color.

  14. How many people do you know that look alike? Couldn't the "cave men" have been  just one people group? Asians look different in their bone structure from Europeans etc.  Don't we assume that all Chinese are small and then we are suprised to get those tall basketball players from China?

    I believe that Adam and Eve were created normal, healthy and intelligent people. It's just that we have been brainwashed with evolution for so long, that we can't think outside of that box anymore.

  15. Hi there.  Adam and Eve looked like us.  They probably had a medium skin tone, since all of us descended from them.  The garden of Eden was in Iraq.  The earth is really only about 8,000 years or so old.  Modern science would like you to believe it is older, since the theory of evolution requires a lot of time to cover its' mistakes.  Carbon dating has dated living cells as having been dead for thousands of years.  The accuracy just isn't there.  If you look at the various bones used to "reconstruct" Neanderthals, you will find that reconstructions were made from the jawbone of a pig, and a tooth of an old woman, etc.  That is like "reconstructing" a Rolls-Royce from matchbox car part!!!

    The theory of evolution has never been proven.  It has, however, been shot full of holes.  Things left to their own devices tend to fall apart, not increase in greatness.  When civilization appears, it is developed, not back-woods monkey-type people who don't know their right hand from their left hand.  There were musicians, farmers, ship builders, and more [see the Book of Genesis].

    If you are interested in more check out the following web address:   .  I think you will find it very interesting.

  16. Forget about it buddy!

    These R jst fairy tales :) In reality no adam/eve existed!

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