
What is Gods kingdom?

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where is it?




  1. heaven

  2. The Kingdom of God is not a geographic location as many seem to think, but rather it is a dynamic concept; the kingdom of God is God reigning, God's sovereignty expressed.  There are two stages in the appearance of God's kingdom.  

    First, the Kingdom is here now as God reigns in the hearts of all believers.  

    "If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you." Matt 12:28

    Second, the Kingdom is still to come.  When the Lord returns to judge the living and the dead, the Kingdom of God will be fully realised.  It will no longer be an unseen reign in the heart of believers, but all will see the King and His glory.

    The Kingdom of God is here now, but the old order of things has not yet been finally swept away.  

  3. Weak-minded imagination.

  4. it is establish in the heaven but will rule in the earth....

    it's a government which has a king Jesus Christ

    it will crush all the kingdoms here on earth as what Daniel 2:44 says

  5. God's kingdom is the rule and reign of Jesus. God reigns in heaven now but will one day he will reign on this earth under his control.

  6. It's like being adopted into a huge family. God is the perfect father. He loves us all and is helping us to get ready to spend eternity together. His kingdom is going on right now all around us in another dimension. It will extend all the way into eternity.

  7. Its the Kingdom that many pray for in the lords prayer. A real government as spoken of in Daniel 2:44, with a King spoken of in Isaiah 9:6-7. Under this King of the Kingdom real peace will come on earth, end of death.sickness and pain, something no human can bring an end too.  

  8. The Kingdom is what we are seeking to be completely fulfilled.

    "The Kingdom of God is within you."

    Modern theologians don't like that phrase that Jesus uttered and are out to change it, but the Original translation is correct. The kingdom is within you. This will explain the whole thing in great detail.

  9. Comprised of all who acknowledge that kingship.   Throughout the whole world, in time and eternity.

    "Thy kingdom come" implies 'My kingdom go'

  10. On earth, it is the catholic (small c) church.  That is, every church, every denomination, all who accept Christ as King.  It is everyone that has been baptised in water, filled with the Holy Spirit, and accept the authority of God over their lives.

  11. The Kingdom of God is spread upon the earth but men do not see it...they see through a glass darkly...

  12. It's an expression used in the Bible several times with several different meanings.

    Depending on the context it can mean:  heaven, Jesus's saving power on Earth, the people on Earth,  The reign of God over the hearts of men,

    You have to read the Bible to understand it's context.  But it is an expression.  It's actually older than Jesus.  Jews interpretted it as a physical kingdom that God would establish with a Mesiah or warrior king to free the people of Israel from Rome or any other ruling kingdom.  But the New Testament interpretation is that Jesus was a peaceful man (which is why they didn't believe he was the Messiah) who preached love.  So God's kingdom is loving God and others.  In that context.  

  13. The 'Kingdom of God' is a spiritual reality, a state of awareness in which the presence of God is realised in all things and in all matters relating to life. To be 'in the Kingdom' is to belong to a unique and universal church, spoken of by Jesus and living in every generation. It enables the fullness of the Godhead to be realised in life and is the source of all experienced transcendency. It runs a close parallel to other experiencial faiths and establishes spiritual kinship with them.

  14. Yorkshire .
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