
What is h**l?

by Guest32725  |  earlier

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What is h**l?




  1. it's where satan resides.. where anyone who doesn't have a personal relationship with God will go after they die. it's easy to have a personal relationship with God.. believe that God sent his son, Jesus, to die on a cross for you.. in your place, as a sacrifice for the sin of mankind (all of it, past, present, and future) and ask him to forgive you of that sin and ask to have a personal relationship with Him so that you will go to heaven when you die. it's all in the bible.. just look it up! :O)

  2. a belief that if u dont repent your sins you get sent there instead of heavan

    i dont believe it tho

  3. When you sin in your life time you go to a hot, firery, miserable, dark land in the pits of the Earth where you will be tourtured by little devils-the Devil's minions.

  4. h**l is a choice as is heaven. u may ask who in there right mind would chose h**l? well if we are in relationship with sin in life that is a choice for h**l and at the point of death we are attracted to what we know and love. h**l is chosen here and now. good news is however that if we are in relationship with god and chose to live in a spirit of love for god and neighbour we are chosing for god and heaven and at the point of death we reach out to what we know and love, so heaven and h**l is a choice that we make here and now in how we choose to live. if u want a description of what h**l actual is many catholic saints have claimed to have seen it. A consistant description that they give is the complete absense of God and the knowledge that this absence is eternal. but dont worry christ mercy is greater than our sins and those of all humanity, all we need do is admit our faults and call upon his mercy and he promises to rush in and take possession of us. the very point of jesus suffering and death on the cross was so that our debt would be paid, by his wounds we are healed. may i suggest a very powerful catholic prayer for u given by christ to saint faustina in 1930's, by it he promised to those who would pray it infinite mercy on their souls. 'eternal father, i offer u the body and the blood the soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world' do a search on 'divine mercy or saint faustina' beleive me its a powerful message that will change ur life and those u love.

  5. A place where sinful people go, according to the Christian religion.

  6. The opposite of heaven.

    A terrible firey pit.

    Where the devil lives.

    Where bad people go.

    Where you end up if your not a good girl/boy.

    Personally a load of c**p.

  7. h**l is a place where bad people go when they die. it is where people are punished for their sins in the afterlife. its the opposite of heaven

  8. h**l is the place u go if i dont repent ur sins its a terible place were ull be turtured 4 eturnity

  9. exactly where we are today.. there is nothing lower than this just something higher . [heaven??]

  10. where Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson will go when they die.

  11. what the h**l
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