
What is High-Tech Farming?

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Where are the places it can usually be found?

What are the characteristics of the algriculture type?

What are the imputs, planting process and the outputs?






  1. High-tech farming can be found on any commercialized (big producing) farm. I know that it is popular in the mid-west (USA).

    High-tech can be used for grain farming as well as an animal producing farm.

    For the farmer, modern computerized equipment helps provide information during planting and harvest. For instance, a computerized combine can give information on the grain being harvested (how many bushels per each acre and plot out the best part of the field vs. worst part using GPS). That same GPS system can be moved to the planter and used to measure the amount of fertilizer applied to the field. It can be programmed to lay more fertilizer in the worst part of the field.

  2. I think it's just simply using techonological equipments instead of using manual farming...


  4. High tech farming  refers to  utilizing  technical advance in agriculture.  Research implemented.  Research shows that ..for example...hogs  grow at different rates depending on the levels of protein and fats in their food.  The % of body fat differs with  different food... this info lets the grower decide which feeding program is best for the market  that is being targeted.  The same goes for the production of food.  soil testing , fertilization concentration etc can be tested/anilized and levels adjusted to meet the needs of the chosen plant.  Almost all comercial or professional farms are using High-Tech methods.  The commercial dairy industry, poltry, egg and meat induatries all utilize technology.  For  modle information look at the sites  for a specific industry.  Like the pork producers

  5. I subscribe to the US Agricultural Research Service newsletters.  I am amazed at some of the techniques researchers come up with.  One involved placing microphones in a field to pick up the noises of insects chewing so that pesticide applications could be targeted.  The pest insect species could be identified by the sound pattern as could the exact locations in the field.

    Another technique has soil sensors that monitor the soil moisture in a field to tell when and where irrigation might be needed.

    A  goal is to use technology to make better use of limited resources such as water, time, fertilizer than traditional farming does.

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