
What is Mexico like right now?

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i am talking about a city called Vericruz. i am thinking about moveing here because america is pissing me off. but i am worried about how it is economy wise and finding work there and stuff.....i know about the hurricane but aside from that in general how is it down there?




  1. If you have something good to offer , like a special career, or you are an entrepeneur, maybe you could find success, but if not, your chances to succeed and have a good standard of living are really low. Wages for unqualified people are low as the other answers say. On the other hand if you want to travel and know places and people, this might be a good experience. Many foreigners , some of them of "hippie" attitude come to Mexico and never leave. Veracruz is more a trading port rather than an industrial hub, you should consider other places such as Queretaro, Monterrey or Guadalajara. A formal job is hard to find if you don't have a visa.

  2. I live in the state of Veracruz about 75 miles from the city of Veracruz.  I do NOT think being upset with things in the states is a good reason to move to Mexico.  Running away from problems does not work.  If you cannot make a success of yourself in the land with the greatest opportunities on earth, you sure won't be able to in a nation which is very poor..where jobs pay less than 1/10 of what they pay in the U.S.  The U.S. is not perfect, but EVERY country has problems.  It is extremely difficult to get a work visa for Mexico.  you must find an employer who will offer you a job and write a letter stating tht he cannot find a Mexican national to fill that job.  Then you must provide educational records, transcripts, diplomas, credentials of your college, pay several hundred dollars, do a lot of paperwork, wait and see if you will be granted a work visa.  Most americans who live here are wealthy or retired with a pension or both.  I love living in Mexico, but it is a totally different culture and the standard of living for most Mexican people is quite low.  There is a reason so many Mexicans want to live in the U.S.  Please slow down, look at your situation, and do everything you can to get more education, make a success of yourself and improve your life where you are.  Then, in the future, you may be able to live in Mexico .

  3. hmmm maybe u should go to the cities instead. monterrey is pretty good u coul find a job there its more like tech stuff or if u want the colonial artesan type of style go to guadalajara  or if u want big city big economy american level living  thn go to mexico city most likly u will find ajob there. hmm if u want beach, humidity and a decent place to earn a livingand mayube work in the tourist sector, u could go to acapulco. If u really want to go to Veracruz well check it out for yourself and see how it is.

  4. poverty level is very high you definitely cannot live like you do in the United States (if that's what u mean by "America" because technically mexico is America {north america})  you can live decent if you have a high paying profession ...

  5. >>>>>> Charlie.... if Mexico is a h**l-hole...if Mexico is a country....if is so disgusting as you said that it is..... Why you are still living here?

    I don't think Charlie said anything like that.  He just said that the standard of living is very different and moving to Mexico is not like moving from state to state in the US ... or to Canada.  Moving to Mexico from the US is not a smart idea for those who still have to work for a living.

  6. Well I would prefer to live in Monterrey, Guadalajara or Mexico city, because include for foreigners, they have a very cultural interesting and professional chances, the same which kind of economy the country has, you always would find a job there.

    Veracruz has a very nice loud people (famous because they have a funny way to speak Speanisch with swarwords), I love for vacations, but not to live, it is humid. But here are some links which you can consult:

    Something important, I am Mexican and live since 10 years in Europe: the paradise doesn´t exist, you will always find something which it is not perfect. And:

    * Learn Spanisch, otherwise you wil get everything more expensive (and you will miss the opportunity of laugh with/about the people).

    *Inform you about the differents areas: there are neighbourhoods for the high social levels, middle class, lower class and slams.  Be sure to be in a safe area, at least middle class.

  7. Is quite calm

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