
What is Nimbin like?

by Guest34224  |  earlier

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wats nimbin like?

were is the best place to eat there?




  1. Yeah um the only thing i know about nimbin is that it is the Pot capital of NSW.  As far as eating places... I believe you can buy some cookies at the Nimbin H.E.M.P. Bar

    I dont know if they still have the "Mardigrass", Yes i did spell it right.  Maybe line up your stay in Nimbin with the event.  I remember hearing the cops paid special attention to the event in 2007.

  2. havent been for a while but you need to like mung beans

  3. i live in nimbin its great!!!!!! i love it!!!!!!! every one is just so real, yes it has got drugs there but you get use to it after a wile i am 15 lived there my hole life and never takin any drugs!

    best place to eat is the rainbow cafe right in the middle of the town BEST CHIPS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. hey are u talking about the nimbin where all the druggies hand out?
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