
What is Obamas Platform? And McCains?

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I don't really know too much about politics and i don't have an opinion so far on who should really be the president im independent and I Just kind of want a basic synopsis on both candidates




  1. If you like things the way they are vote MC Cain and if you want change go for Obama.

  2. Okay

    Here it goes

    OBAMA is for Change for a Better Economy, Better Tax-Cuts, Better Education, Health Care for all, Renewable Energy "The Pickens Plan", Ending Iraq War Responsibly, Go After Bin Laden, Keeping Jobs Here, and Rewarding College Students who Perform Community Service.

    MCCAIN is More of the Same Support Bush's Policies 90% of the Time wants to keep us in Iraq, wants to Ignore Afghanistan, wants more Oil Drilling in Alaska That's why he picked Sarah Palin, Keep On Shipping Jobs to China, Continue the Failed Economic, Educational and Health Care Nightmares Created Bush Administration, Overall 4 more Years of the Last 8 Years of Misery and Anger.

    We Need Change and We Need Obama and Biden in the White House.

  3. Head to their websites:

    Barack Obama

    John McCain

    And here's a fair source for their stances and voting records.

  4. Visit their websites. They should explain everything pretty clearly.

  5. all you need to know is you DO have a choice besides dem and repub . there are many OTHER parties that in you best interest to vote for . basiclly its - if you make over $ 200,000 a year vote J - Mac , same with B. O. . if you make less and want true change vote Nader .

  6. Well you just missed the DNC convention that laid out Obama's platform.  The RNC conventions starts Monday, don't miss it.  It will layout McCain's platform.  For more info, go to the links to both their websites.

  7. Obama's platform is tax tax tax and more taxation right into socialism!  McCain's platform is keeping us safe from our enemies, keeping us from taxation and growing a stronger economy.  He  and Palin have the experience and intelligence to do just that!  

  8. I think you can get the Obama speech on his website. He covered everything. This week the republican have their convention. I am a democrat & cannot stand to watch them but if you can then watch their convention. The democratic convention was spectacular. See how you do on the Obama website & then if you have trouble come back & ask the dems to help you get the info. some other way.

  9. Here's Obama's platform:


    Unbiased sources:

    Obama's platforum in his convention speech:

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