
What is Randy Couture thinking?

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His stated goal has been to fight Fedor, so why did he sign a 3 fight deal with the UFC with no guarantees of facing him? Why not just honor the remaining 2 fights on his old contract then face Fedor for sure and get his huge payday? And do you really think Brock Lesnar deserves a title shot after a 1 fight winning streak and a record of 2-1?




  1. No he does not yet deserve a title shot. but i think its not going to be his title in the end, RANDY will win, although Lesner is big and strong, Brock takes the L.

  2. I honestly think the biggest problem with Randy had with the UFC was money. He is looking at a possible 3 million payday when he takes on Lesnar. He is a fighter and a fighter wants to fight. He knows that he doesn't have all the time in the world so he can either go through a lengthy court battle that will probably stop him from fighting for the next two years or fulfill his contract. I really think Randy and Dana are banking on Affliction to fail and the UFC being the only home that Fedor can go to.  

  3. no, he doesnt deserve ****...i think he is going to give randy a run for his money tho!

    i think what randy did is pretty stupid...why not just fight fedor? i mean, he will obv lose to fedor, but yeah

  4. He signed the deal because he has to fight, he's a fighter, and the prospect of fighting Fedor is very slim.  If he were to hold out and keep fighting Dana this would drag on for years and then he'll be ever closer to 50.

    There is no way Lesnar deserves the title shot, if anyone, it's Mir, he beat Lesnar.  I think Randy's first fight back should have been against Nog to determine the rightful owner of the belt.

    It's obvious that this is all about the money, Lesnar is a huge draw coupled with Couture, it's sure to be a record breaking PPV.

  5. 1st of brock lensar s about the last person who deserves a title shot, 2ndly all couture really wanted was the $ from the ufc any way this is basically a warm up match for the winner of big nog of mir and then the next fight IF he winshe prolly face werdum then maybe fedor

  6. Well, first off there is no way in the world that Brock deserves a title shot. In my opinion Noguiera should be the champion because Randy did retire and at worst Noguiera should definitely be fighting Randy for the belt. Randy has ducked Noguiera since he joined the heavyweight division. Frank Mir deserves a title shot more than Brock. Frank Mir was champ when he was in the bike accident and he just beat Brock. It will work out in the end though I guess. Noguiera will beat Mir and Randy will just make Brock look as terrible as he is. Then we will get the Randy vs. Noguiera fight.

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