
What is Retributive justice?

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What is Retributive justice?




  1. Retributive justice is a theory of justice that considers that proportionate punishment is a morally acceptable response to crime, regardless of whether the punishment causes any tangible benefits.

  2. There are three basic approaces to dealing with convicted criminals:

    >protect society. This view emphasizes the need to take steps to protect the public  from dangerous criminals---it actually say s nothing about the treatmentof the criminals, except to advocate sufficient restraint to keep them from doing more harm

    >rehabilitation. This approach takes the view that a criminal's behavior can be modified (via discipline, training, therapy, education, etc.) so that at some point the person will no longer constitute a threat.

    >retributive justice regards the protection of society or rehabilitation as of lesser importance to making a moral judgement about a criminal's actions and imposing punishment for the offense. Advocates of this view frequently claim tha tis also "the best way  to protect society"--which may or may not be correct in some cases. The point is that that is not their main motive.  They also claim that punishment is the best way to rehabilitate criminals--but again, the point is that they regard tis as secondary; it's not their goal.  whee rehabilitation is concerned, they also hhave very little empirical evidence to support the "punishment as rehabilitation" argument--mostly the evidence says otherwise.

  3. A Commie plot.  Register Communists, not firearms.

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