
What is Russia's future.?

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Predict russia's future role in leadership and will they be the next n***s?




  1. I think that Russia is invading Georgia because they know that the USA will get involved and then they'll have a reason to launch an attack on the United States.

  2. I expect Russia will continue to muddle along.

    I doubt if they're going to pose any real threat to world peace - a lot of what's happening right now is that they're reacting negatively to Bush's plan to put missles so close to them.

    Once Bush is gone, the next President has a chance to deal more fairly with Russia and she should settle down again.

  3. Russia, from what i have studied has re-risen to be one of the worlds most powerful nations...again, and its no mistake...economically,(at least for the government,or its officials), while the average people trying to live their lives remain very poor, but by  making use of their resources...They are now supplying many european nations with their oil....They have agreements with spain, france, mention a few..They have been growing to recieve money from many countries...They are also in talks with China and Japan, and yes, maybe even some large companies in the state,so dont be surprised if yo see they have partnered with Bp petroleum from America.

    Vladimir Putin had these intentions when he first stepped into office, following yeltsin as leader....His primary goal was to rebuild the Kremlin of long ago when Russia was a threat and a power house before the world. He was also the leader of the K.G.B. for 15 years, and so hes no fool, and he knows his tactics for war games....Russia has more millionaires today than any other country, and it also has rebuilt their army, having four times the nuclear capability than America...Putin wanted to control other countries and leaders with all of the energy and resources that Russia has been blessed with, and he has done a good job of doing exactly that just eight years after taking over....and hes only 51 years old, and so hes got a lot of pent up stress in him from the time that Russia was humbled before the whole world, just before it's collapse....Im sure he wants revenge over primarily, The United States of America....

    Oh, one more thing Vladimir Putins idol while growing up was the most horrendous killer that ever controlled Russias govt. and that man was Joeseph Stalin

  4. No Russia is still dirt poor they couldn't take on even one first-world country ('cept maybe Switzerland...)

    As long as they continue to oppress their people they will continue to be an impoverished miserable nation that has no place in real world politics.

  5. Russia has the means to hurt America.

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