
What is VPN network?Examples

by  |  earlier

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well can u plz guide me on virtual private network!!!

and basically i want there application i hv to sumit my report today

mostly where it is use?????




  1. Yeah .... that's a big question!

    Businesses use it a lot to allow their employees to put in 80 hour work weeks from home and still keep their secret business information safe!  It's the worst invention ever! :0)  

  2. Here are different free VPN software.

    They are mostly used in a business environment. They allow a worker to access their email and different thing from home.

  3. VPN Network is like

    you activate it at home and remember the id and password at work or whereever you want to access your home computer.

    When you download the VPN Network at the other location and enter the ID and password, you have complete access to your computer in a window.

    Example: Teamviewer

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