
What is YOUR greatest childhood memory?????

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mine would be food fights at the dinner table with me and my dad, and mum running around yelling "stop it stop it" and then we GET her with everything.....great memories BIG mess but we had fun and then alllll cleaned up:)




  1. My greatest childhood memory is probably every Christmas I can remember as a child. I loved Christmas, we were a very close family and the day was important to us. We'd help cook a meal and open all of our presents together, before playing with our siblings. It was the best day of the year for me.

  2. I have soooo many i don't know where to start. But there is one and i never let my mum forget as i always remind her of the birthday cake she made for my 7th birthday it was in the shape of a number 7 but it was the wrong way round.

    I thought it was great though as i had seen all the effort she had put into it

    Been raised on a council estate with 2 brothers and 2 sisters we were never bored and always played out with the kids on the street playing bull dogs and red-rover were the favorite games.  

  3. Although it wasn't that funny when it happened, my brother and I laugh about it over and over again.  About 35 yrs ago, I was 7 my brother 6.  We used to put green apples on the end of pointed apple sticks and fling them at each other.  One day my brother had a IDEA lol,  He says, Lets makes bows and arrows and play Cowboys and Indians.  We worked all day making our weapons. Nearing supper time we divided into teams.  And began to play, ONLY ONE arrow was shot, it went straight into the back of my left leg.  My sister started screaming, My brother nearly passed out, but with quick thinking he ran to my side, crying, bent down and broke the arrow off.  Like they do in the movies. lol lol lol  He is now 41 and I am 42.  I have a very nice scare on my back leg to remind me that life was great back then when , you didn't lock your doors, there were no computers, and you had to get up to answer the phone, or change the channel on the TV. and,  When you got to stay out late til dark and all the neighbors kids were at your house cause you had the biggest family.  When the Walton's or Little house on the Prairie came on, your Mom would call you in to watch it because it was good family viewing.  Lots of good memories.  Good question, thanks for the trip down memory lane.  Now I have to go call my brother. :) :)

  4. my  sister is 10 yrs older than me,, i wouldv been 12 her 22, she was married with 2 little babies,, i loved sleeping over all the time, she used to let me have her old make up, perfumes, ect

    i used to feed and play with her babies,,, it was so much fun there

    then years later when i got married, her kids were around 11 and 12 and slept at my house all the time,,it was like payback,, so weird how it all swapped around

    now my eldest is 11 and sleeps at my sisters house now!!!!!!!!!,, its changed cycle all over again!, she comes home with make up, pefume ect from my sister!, and i know my daughter treasures those moments like i did when i was her age

  5. hmmm, not really the best I suppose, but the funniest.

    I went to my first overnight camp for 2 weeks when I was 8 years old. I was really excited to be going and as soon as my mom checked me in and helped me move my bags to the area where the camp van would pick them up I gave her a hug, said "See you in 2 weeks!" and ran off. I didn't even let my mom bring me to my cabin lol, she was heartbroken

  6. The day my now husband and I were thrown off the wall at Ashland pond. It was the day we met. We were nine and fell in love.

  7. it HAS to be me and my mum putting on make up and acting like rich and posh ladies!

    i luved it as much as she did!

  8. christmas.

  9. my childhood sucked. no "great" memories here...well my dad took me to a tennis court one time and taught me how to play tennis, but then he left us and remarried and had a new kid and never ever called me back.

  10. Trying on my mums lipstick and kissing all of the bedrooms walls haha

  11. Being with my mom.  She was a stay at home mom and when my dad went to work, we would either play my favorite games or we would go for a walk to the grocery store, or take the bus to the movie theatre.  My mom didn't drive so we always had to walk, take the bus, or ride our bikes.

    I wish more than anything that I could be a stay at home mom.  My husband is going to school right now, so maybe someday.

  12. when my dad used to take me down to my nanas pub and id sit on the bar and eat toasties whilst he hustled the foreigners at pool...good times!

  13. NINTENDO SIXTY-FOUR!!!!!!!!!

  14. Playing "doctor" with my neighbor.

  15. Sounds sad but ...seeing our Dad getting the all clear from cancer we were 8 and 9 at the time x

  16. I have a couple of childhood memories.

    My most favorite memory is have the easter egg hunts over my aunts house every year. I can't remember how far back we started having these but they were always fun. This past easter my aunt put together an easter egg hunt for us adults who used to be the kids that participated when we were little. I'm 28 now with 3 kids and now the look forward to going to our aunts for the easter egg hunt.

    My other when i broke my cousins arm in 2 places playing baseball. She was standing to close and i just remember feeilng HORRIBLE!! It sucked even more that her birthday was just a few days away.  

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