
What is YOUR insight? Anti-depressants

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If anti-depressants are not helping people, what exactly are they doing in the brain?

(I know they do help some people, and some are not helped) I'm just curious what everyone's insight is.




  1. giving it a pep up. i'm on medication recently upped but i still woke up this morning feeling panicky.

  2. I have relatives useing them and they have all been helped by anti-depressants,just mke sure you have a good Doctor.

  3. Anti-depressants are only a short-term solution.  If you feel it's absolutely necessary to take them by all means do so but don't become too dependent on them.  Good Luck!

  4. When you find the right med or combination of them, it can be a wonderful thing

  5. They correct chemical imbalances in the brain.  I am on a really good combination of anti-depressants & am feeling soooooo much better.  It may take several tries to find the right medication that works for you.

  6. are you a Scientologist?

    Anti-depressants compensate for chemical/hormonal balances in brain so you don't kill yourself. its not a permenant solution but neither is spring cleaning but it keeps the rats out........  

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