
What is a C-Section?

by  |  earlier

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idk what it is. it is something about pregnancy.




  1. Look this up on google and it will tell you.

    Cesarean Section

    I had one and it sucks

  2. Short for cesarean section.  It's where they place an incision in the woman's abdomen and remove the baby surgically.  Often used when the baby will not come out any other way, i.e gets stuck, too big, is breech or any other number of complications.  I had two and was grateful my children were both healthy and would do it again if there was no other way.  


  4. its when you cant deliver normally for some reason or another and you go in they give you a shot in your back to numb you from bout bellybutton down they cut the baby out they sew and staple you up  

  5. lol, its where they cut the stomach open basically and take the baby out that way instead of delivering it like a normal pregnancy.

  6. see this link..

  7. They slice open you abdomen and the doc reaches in and pulls out the baby.  They give you meds but you are wide awake.  

  8. A C-section refers to a Cesarean section birth, that is an operation rather than a natural birth.

  9. it is a operation where they cut u open 2 deliver the baby . they only do this if they have 2 .usually if there is complications and they dont advise a natural birth

  10. something that happens if you aren't able to have the baby... long over due (me) or if the baby is breech or there is an emergency where the baby is in danger.

    the c section is where they cut your stomach open (with lots of pain medicine and while you are awake) and take the baby from your stomach. no pushing or anything involved.

    it's very painful and there is a long recovery.

  11. It's when you get cut when you can't have a baby

  12. C-section stands for cesarean section. it is a second way a child can  be born if vaginal birth is contraindicated or not possible.. The doctor makes a bikini line incision in your abdomen and then uterus and gets the baby out.  recovery is a little rough since it is major abdominal surgery.  

  13. It's where, for one reason or another, your physician must take out your baby in another means other than through the v****a.  It's a major surgery.  The Doctor makes a cut in the abdomen above the "bikini line" and removes the baby that way.  

    This is a good site to read about it on!!

    Good Luck!!
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