
What is a Father to do?

by  |  earlier

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To the person who advised avoiding cocaine, the purpose of this question was the fake duchess of cornwall who has asked so many dumb questions. I figured I couldn't ask anything dumber than what she's put forth, or have I?

For the one or two people who haven't figured it out, perhaps the fake duchess of cornwall, without caps, it's a play at the fakes and not the dedicated, real personalities who devote their lives to the service of their country.




  1. you just asked this!

  2. Is there any update

  3. Thanks that was really funny can you please keep us updated,but if I am you give them the money and bargain with them to keep the boy oh sorry the son.

  4. Any further details  this is the best page for a month

  5. Take an extended vacation in the peaceful little country of Grand Fenwick. Forget all your troubles. Pay no ransom money.

  6. from now on, if I were you, I'd avoid Cocaine...

    ps. Equinox: i was thinking the exact same thing...

    I'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks that whole shabang stinks of summat rotten. I think there's summat real deep going on, & definately I'm not ****** up enough to want to know what it is...

    Edit: haha, I never noticed that... oh dear. ;-P

  7. Take some anti depressants and calm down

    or move house, or get a Tarot Card reading and then you will know for sure if he is coming back or not.

  8. pay them with fake momey

  9. lol.. that's funny.. just take the money, your wife, and run away, so when they do bring him back, you will be nowhere to be found.

  10. The knock on the door will be those nice men in white coats. They will take you to a special facility with padding oin the walls where you can conduct your negotiations with the kidnappers.

  11. Hold a fundraising event.  

    Meet the Pope.  

    Write about your everyday life.

    Get celebrities to endorse your plea.

    Jet set around the world.

    Continually lie to the investigation.

    Deny any wrong doing.

    Wait, this all seems familiar.

    edit: mexican ... was that an intentional pun?  summat rotten. lol.

  12. you've already asked that question

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