
What is a Flex Alert?

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What does Flex mean?




  1. Now we do not have much context. Flex fuel vehicles are vehicles that can run on gasoline or any blend of ethanol up to 85%.

    Would a flex alert be a warning that you are trying to use more than 85%, or more than current conditions allow for?

  2. Flex means be flexible with your energy use.  You should be thinking "Do I really need to run the washer and dryer in the middle of the day?  I could wait until night." or "Do I really need all the lightbulbs on?  I could just open a window."  Being flexible with your energy by doing these simple things help take strain off the power grid during the middle of the day.

  3. it means to save energy. if too many people are wasting or using energy it will cause a black out.  so if you see a flex alert  turn unnecessary things off this will help the main power source to not overload.

  4. It's when we alert the neighborhood because Im about to flex my awesome guns.....
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