
What is a Pagan Wiccaning Called?

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I like the idea of a Wiccaning, but I am not Wiccan. I am a Pagan. What is a Wiccaning called for a Pagan?




  1. Side-Boob

  2. A Wiccan is a type of Pagan.

    A Wiccaning, analogous to a Christening for an infant, is the presenting of an infant to the God and Goddess for protection. Wiccanings apply specifically to the Wiccan religion, but are also celebrated in some of the other Pagan, non-Wicca religions. In those cases, while the format may resemble Wiccaning, it is often referred to as a "saining."

  3. There is no religion called "pagan".  Paganism refers to many religions - Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, Asatru, etc.  You need to be more specific.  If you don't want to call it a "wiccaning", why not just call it a "baby blessing ceremony".

  4. I like to think that it goes something like this:

    The Satucorn

    The satyr and the unicorn lay in the grass one early morn'.

    By afternoon a child was born, they christened him a saturcorn!

    The child of this unlikely pair had burning eyes and flowing hair.

    In seconds he began to walk, in moments he began to talk.

    Then came a priestess in a frock to bless the child so fair.

    "I bless thee in the name of the Great God Hades, lord of the underworld.

    I bless thee in the name of Persephone, Mother nature's girl.

    I bless the in the name of all gods below and above.

    I bless thee oh dear Saturcorn all in the name of love."

    Then as quickly as she had appeared draped in the flowing gown,

    The priestess then disappeared as the unicorn turned around.

    "Satyr!" cried the unicorn, "She has cursed our child as he was born. Oh, my what should we do?"

    "Unicorn!" replied the satyr, "What you're saying is not true.

    For, lo I am the Great God Hades and Persephone is YOU!

    Look inside yourself to see what is the true reality.

    All life is ONE life...

    The unicorn, the satyr's wife."

             An original composition by: Margaret Barton-Wahl

  5. Although the birth of a child is a wonderful thing,

    and calls for a celebration, we don't usually perform

    a ritual for it. Only if requested to give a Blessing

    would I do so, and that would be more or less of

    a formality.

  6. we are pagan/witches but not wiccan. with our daughter we did a dedication. it was a general religious friendly service preformed by a couple of friends. mainly stating that we presented our child to the gods and that when she was ready to choose her path we would support her.

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