
What is a better overall career?

by  |  earlier

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After comparing time in school, time in work, type of work, salary, etc. which of these three medically oriented careers do you think would be the best to pursue.....Dentistry, Dermatology, or Psychiatry?




  1. Depends on your interests.

    I do know the best career, though: Lottery Winner.

  2. Well I looked into the salaries a bit for each of those and I think dermatology pays the most. Psychiatry would be the hardest I think, you have to deal with so many depressing feelings while struggling with maintaining your own and knowing how to cope with everything.

    Dermatology is one of my choices, because I have had acne for years and my dermatologist wasn't very good so I'd like to help people the first time and not have them keep coming back, not knowing what to do!

  3. They are very similiar in all the areas you mentioned.  Only difference would be that a dentist has to work with assistants and hygi.entists an dnormally has a private practice while the other two can have a private practice or work in a hospital setting.  

  4. What do you mean by "better?"  Which makes the most money with the least work?  Tell that to the Admissions committee and you will never get in.  Dermatology cranks people through.  Psychiatry is a slow specialty. Your income depends on how many patients you see a day.  You are only allowed to charge so much, so the Psychiatrist is at a disadvantage .  If you are interested only in money , get an MBA and go into business.  Sounds like you don't really want to work hard-- you did not mention any of the more stressful specialties. I don't know if you would be happy in Medicine.  

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