
What is a career fair?

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i have a career fair tomorrow at the holiday inn and its to work at the holiday inn what do u think is gonna happen because they called me to go in.... what suggestions do u have for me




  1. okay in EASiER TERMS:

    its where alot of DIFFERENT company representatives/ managers/ supervisors and the like all go to a place and a bunch of people arrive at this place at once and the supervisors handout applications to the people who go there that are seeking that job!

    sometimes it just one company or a lot of them...basically its a easier way for companies to get a lot of applicants for a job rather than constantly recruiting people or hoping people will come in to apply for the job!

  2. A career fair is basically an open forum where different representatives of career fields showcase their jobs. It's mostly a learning event to increase your understanding of different career choices. Usually there'll be science fair type representations, free pens with the company's logo on them and keychains. Remember career day? Same thing, except you move around from stall to stall, like at the fair.

    I suppose this one will be pertaining to various positions available at the inn. Dress casually and try to appear interested in what they are telling you. Hey, you may find something that seems like a good choice.  
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