
What is a climate threshold?

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What is a climate threshold?




  1. I'm gonna go ahead and guess that its the amount the earth can take before we cross into a point where we can't overcome global warming anymore. Its like a pain threshold for humans. You can keep taking punches to the face, eventually you pain threshold is gonna make you go ok i've had enough. Kind of like out treatment of the earth. I can't tell if Curtis is just being sarcastic or if he really believes that climate changes is a hoax. Everyone's entitled to their own beliefs and he has alot of supporters as well, but we definately hurt the environment more now than ever before. Just because of the sheer number of people that live on earth today.

  2. I think Curtis got it absolutely right.

    Just to add to his definition.  This is a term used by alarmists which is applied eroneously, yet is so dependant upon so many factors and what it is in relation to.

    For instance, if Polar Bears (lol a Gore Gump example) could not survive in 85 degree heat, then their climate threshold is 85 degrees.  It is like a drop dead point of where 'catastrophe' occurs if you listen to alarmists, yet ignore HISTORY where we have broken records since the measurement of temperature.  A threshold for a cactus for example may be 40 degrees fahrenheit as another example.  There are both upper thresholds and lower thresholds and we haven't even come close to either except for spikes.

    Now back to Gump's polar bear thing.  If you go to San Diego's Sea World, you will see polar bears there.  I wonder how they are surviving.  I have actually seen a polar bear thrive in a warm environment, yet he started to turn brown.  Which makes total sense, since they are closely related to the Brown bear of North America.

    Great answer Curtis!

    Funny that I was reading about the War of 1812 and it pretty much ended with a hurricane in Washington DC.  Guess that was caused by global warming as well with all those guns going off and no EPA around to regulate it.

    By-the-way to all the alarmists.  What is and should be Earth's PERFECT temperature and how in the world do these morons think that they will maintain it?  I get it, increase CO2, oh, time to decrease CO2.... Oh, overshot.... let's increase CO2....  That is the dumbest thing about all of this quackery!

  3. Threshold (n) - The point that must be exceeded to begin producing a given effect or result.

    So when you hear the phrase climate threshold, they are talking about a level of change (rate or magnitude) above which the serious consequences of global warming will be produced. Think of a rubber band that can be stretched, eventually you'll exceed it's stretchability threshold and it will break.

    The problem with climate change is that it's a very slow process and what we put into the atmosphere today (e.g. CO2) may have climate effects for many centuries into the future. The concern is that if we act too slowly we will pump so much CO2 into the atmosphere (causing warming for centuries into the future) that we will exceed a threshold that results in significant climate change not easily adapted too.

  4. It's a term used by fear mongers to describe a tipping point in the planet's future.  They surmise, without any factual basis, experimental proof, reliable models, or any of the other basics of logical reasoning, that at some point the Earth will enter into a unrecoverable deadly-cycle resulting in an atmosphere like that of Venus.

    What that threshold is, who knows; but I'm sure we're very close to it.

  5. That is the total amount of global warming lies, a person can withstand before going postal.

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