
What is a coincidence?

by Guest59236  |  earlier

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how and why




  1. Two incidences that happen to coincide...

    you lose $20 when it falls out of your pocket in a gas station then you find $20 on the sidewalk somewhere else.  It's a coincidence that those things happened.

  2. No such thing....everything happens for a reason whether we understand it or not. There are scientific laws at work that we aren't even aware of yet.

  3. A coincedence is when something happens that is relative to another event. Why? Nobody knows, it's a coincedence...

  4. it is a coincidence when something happens and someone was just talking about the same thing and the same thing keeps coming up. It can be just coincidence or it can mean more it depends on what you believe happened. It is all up to the person it happened to to decide if it was coincidence or had a deeper meaning.

  5. the whole point of a coincidence is that there IS no why, or HOW

    which is why some ppl dontbelieve in coincidencesss

    a coincidience is just somehting that happened because humans used hteir free choice, and nature actes the way it always would, and it made unlikely events come out.

    some ppl think that if anythign unlikely occured htere must be DIvine influence...

    others say that there is never Divine influence, its always coincidence.

  6. The other day here in a small town in Texas I had to take a package to FedEx for my company.

    I filled out the shipping label and took it to the clerk. She said, "How about that... this package is going to my home town, Enid, Oklahoma."

    I then said that Enid is where I was born, also.

    This is a shared experience that happened by chance...a "coincidence".

  7. It's when two things happen by accident but seem to have a connection between them.

    Here's an example:

    You look up an old classmate in your yearbook. You then bump into them shortly afterward.

  8. No such thing.

  9. someyhing like dajavu where u and someone else do something at the same time with out noticing it

  10. I was just thinking someone should ask this question, thats a coincidence
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