
What is a communist?

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i have been reading up on the cold war and i am unsure what a communist is?




  1. If you look at the proposals of Barack Obama you'll see what communism and socialism is.  Few work others sit back and get.

  2. A communist is one who believes in state ownership of all means of production. A socialist is one who believes in state ownership of key centers of production.  

  3. Extreme left ideology follower. Believer in communist utopia.

    That is as follows: everybody does his best for common greater good.

    Everybody has given goods according to his needs.

    No classes, exploitation of human exploitation, no need for money et.c.

    Key feature: impossible.

    In fact belief in communism is kinda religion. With communism acting as the highest goal, theoretics of ideology being prophets, fanatism and irrational belief.

    Thats why communist societies are atheist. Any other faith is a competitor in quest for souls of the followers.

    So communism (not the utopia itself, but society striving to reach that utopia) is kind of theocracy.

  4. You would have to read The Communist Manifesto to get the full picture of what the plan was and how it was later applied. There is a BIG difference.

    Those "without" have always blamed those "with" for all their problems. I would tend to agree that at the time the book was written that was true.

    It is a political system, just as the first response so eloquently states, with a "Utopian" goal where everybody is an equal.

    The USSR was first to prove it wrong in application.

    China followed but is recognizing that people want to make their own choices.

    N. Korea is the worst example where people are starved into submission.

    All of Cuba's trouble is blamed on the US not trading with them. Since everybody else does WE must be more important than we give ourselves credit for.

    In short it is the opposite of the Western Powers where freedom of choice, free thinking, free speaking take the lead.

    Look into the early life's of Presidents Jackson, Lincoln, Truman, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Clinton. None grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth yet still achieved the highest office in this country by getting an education and trying hard.

    On a tour of the east/west German border in 1974 I wittnesed armed guards surrounding a grade school. Armed guards on the local bus. A Carrot grater type fence to keep people "in" not out.

    I know 17 refugees from Viet Nam that risked their lives to get out. I know all to well what happened to the cute one I know very well.

    In short they will tell you what to think and what to do or you will pay....some pay with their lives...that still happens in China, Viet Nam and perhaps Russia.

  5. A Communist is one who advocates others to share what they have with their less fortunate brethren.But when it comes to his own case he wouldn't give anyone even the time of the day.More importantly he rants and raves and refuses to practise what he preaches.In short a real rabble rouser.

  6. a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership of the means of production and property in general

  7. Think of a Amish Colony as similar to Communism.  It is a Commune.  No one actually owns anything, and every one owns everything.  All are equal, and everyone works for the betterment of the society.

    In a group as small as the Amish, this method of living.  The Amish are also allowed to leave if they wish.  Communism on paper is a wonderful thing, in practice it is corrupt and oppressive.  Russian citizens were not allowed to leave and were forced to accept the communist way of life.  The person in charge of an Amish colony doesn't really have a lot of power, just the control of those few people living there.  Kind of hard to get power hungry.  The leader of a Communist country has a lot of power.  And absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    If you really want an easy read to under stand it better, read The Animal Farm.  It is short, simple, and easy to under stand.  All animals are equal, but the pigs are just 'more' equal.

    Hope this helps.

  8. There are two types of Communists.  One is an economic philosophy of shared resources much like a family or tribe, but on a much larger scale.  The parental figure is the government.  Then there is the Communist party that generally loves one party rule and the elimination of other parties and to strong arm their citizens into doing stuff.
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