
What is a community organizer?

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I have never had contact with one or have never seen one.

Have you?




  1. apparently a job that qualifies one to be president.  

  2. I actually saw this great peice about it on Fox. They showed the comminity where Obama worked. It had a waste plant & other things all around the area & it was as if the people were geographically trapped in. The only employment office was on the other side of town & it was impossible for a person with no transportation to get employment help. The area he was in had a steel factory that closed. So these people were always poor & uneducated from always being in that kind of environment. There were some people there that tried to help the people but it was so hopeless. Obama had just graduated from college but not Harvard yet. He worked there for 3 years of his life for only $12,000 a yr. I think he had already worked as a corporate lawyer & met Michele there but he wanted to give to these people. Not everyone understands this cause most people are out to get something so they don't get it when people feel called to do soemthing. So her helped these people organize. One lady told how when she spoke people would get so upset & Obama got them to stop being disrespectful & they listened to her. He got the people jobs. education they needed & they became functioning people. No, one knows what anyones job is like but he co-ordinated it the same as anyone who runs a bunch of people would do. He was the project manager...I suggest you become a volenteer at the Salvation Army & if you want to know more about this first hand you will be led to your answer & know what it is really like.

  3. Thats the problem with people voting...don't know a thing about what is going on....our country will suffer because of it and obuma supporters

  4. No, I don't live in a large enough area. They are basically people who get the community to work together to better the community, and "normally", they hold a lot of influence with the community, so people in politics usually seek the support of the organizers, since they have the community's ears.

  5. Community Organizer ESSENTIAL DUTIES :

    The Community Organizing Manager customarily and regularly exercises discretion and independent judgment in the following job duties:

    1. Develop and oversee the Community Organizing Department’s annual workplan and budget.

    2. Serve as the lead staff to the Community Relations Committee of TNDC’s Board of Directors.

    3. Supervise staff, tenant volunteers, and/or interns assigned to the department.

    4. Serve as a member of TNDC’s Senior Management Team.

    5. Serve on task forces, speak to the media, and otherwise serve as TNDC’s representative.

    6. Coordinate and facilitate the exchange of information with, and the participation of, TNDC staff in community development efforts.

    7. Provide technical assistance, support, and leadership development to neighborhood groups and residents.

    8. Develop and maintain positive working relationships with tenant groups, community agencies, and neighborhood stakeholders and work collaboratively to address short- and mid-range community development goals.

    9. Lead outreach, issue cultivation, and leadership development within TNDC’s tenant base, and throughout the community.

    10. Help to coordinate and organize community input and support related to community issues.

    11. Monitor and actively participate in relevant community meetings.

    12. Educate and work with public and elected officials around community issues.

    13. Give public testimony to city agencies, civic committees, and neighborhood groups as needed.

    14. Inform and advise TNDC Executive Director about key community efforts where the organization could or should take a formal position.

    15. Other duties as assigned by Chief Operating Officer or Executive Director.


    • Excellent community building skills, public speaking skills.

    • Ability to supervise staff and/or volunteers.

    • Ability to facilitate meetings.

    • Excellent verbal and writing skills.

    • Ability to understand and communicate the needs of low-income residents.

    • Ability to work independently and within a team structure.

    • Able to attend evening meetings and work on weekends.

    • Ability to work within, and sensitivity to, a culturally diverse environment.


    • Four-year college degree.

    • Two years of organizing or community development experience.

    • Two years supervising staff and/or volunteers.


    • Bilingual and Bi-literate in English and at least one of the following languages: Mandarin/Cantonese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog.

    • Familiarity with the Tenderloin neighborhood.

    WASILLA, ALASKA MAYOR Essential Duties:

    Power and duties of mayor.

    A.    The mayor is the chief administrator of the city, has the same powers and duties as those of a manager under AS 29.20.005, and shall:

    1.    Preside at council meetings. The mayor may take part in the discussion of matters before the council, but may not vote, except that the mayor may vote in the case of a tie;

    2.    Act as ceremonial head of the city;

    3.    Sign documents on behalf of the city

    2.16.030 Qualification of mayor.

    A person is eligible to hold the office of mayor if the person is a qualified city voter and has been a city resident or a resident of territory annexed to the city for one year immediately prior to the election. The mayor may not hold a position as council member or city employee, except as provided by state statute. (Prior code § 2.16.025)

  6. Someone who works on a grassroots level to effect immediate change in a community rather than just pushing laws through from a detached legislative position in Washington.

    Think Martin Luther King Jr.

    Yes, community organizers typically work in inner city neighborhoods because those are the people that need advocates the most. That doesn't mean the job is meaningless.

  7. It involves grassroots groups that help with low income housing, heal racial divides, deliver meals to the elderly, help educate people about upcoming elections, provide legal assistance, provide mediation services, helping the unemployed, provide a unifying voice for the poor and unheard etc. etc.

    Basically, the people yesterday evening who don't know about community organizers have  probably never had need of them. Which explains why it drew such a guffaw from the Republicans yesterday. Half of sitting Republican officials have an income over 1 million dollars...why would they know or care?

    Helping people is funny...

  8. They are the people who helped us in New Orleans, and have been here helping us rebuild. Unlike the Republican government!

  9. its one step above calling bingo

  10. According to tickled, it is a person that went to college and came back to the neighborhood and couldn't get a job, so his uncle and pastor gave him a job and paid him to hang out.

  11. Really not much.  

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