
What is a cure for resentment?

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If you are a generally resentful person about things that put you out. Is there anything you can do to "cure" it, that is to change your character so you can be more giving of yourself and happy about it.




  1. i once read a very great quote, "resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die," and that's very true. usually the other person is way over the situation and you are the one left still festering about it.

    i know because i am usually a very negative, cynical, easily irritated and resentful person, etc. as well, and am trying to work on this too.

    it's hard, but all i can do is realize that you can never change what's been done, especially if it was someone else that did it. all you can do is deal with the situation to the best of your ability.

    also try to see what triggers it and focus on that. for example, i resent my little sisters because they don't get disciplined as much as i do/did. i also resent my coworkers because they don't put in as much work as me. but you know what, in the end my mom respects me more and i am closer with her because i give her less grief. my boss realizes the hard work i put in and it pays off.

    use that energy effectively and instead of thinking about how mad you are at that person, like you said, think about you and what you can do about the situation. is it really worth it to work yourself up, or is it better to just let it go and move on. there will always be something that doesn't go our way, always one more thing that upsets us. don't let it build up and make you even more resentful!

    hope this helps!

  2. My opinion--By helping others--the less fortunate--the handicap--crippled children--trying to make yourself realizing just how fortunate you really are.  I think you might have a roof over your head to protect you from snow,  rain,  heat.  You have food to eat.  Hopefully you have your health.  Go on with life--it gets shorter the older you get.  Good luck, sweety.  Hugs.

  3. try this ...........

    1, 2, 3 GET OVER IT

  4. Resentment is a waste of time and energy.  You dont say what exactly causes the resentment?  It's not a case of curing this feeling.  You need to train yourself to think diferently.  Cup half full instead of half empty. Think of what you have... others may well be resentful of you. Resentment is just another form of jealousy, some one else has what you want or feel you should have.  You need to feel good about your abilities and focus on them.  If your question is based on someone elses issues then the best thing you can do is make them feel appreciated and valued for who they are.

  5. to become happy again

  6. Forgiveness.  

  7. There's no cure because resentment isn't a disease. It's a normal human emotional state. Everyone is resentful when things go badly, some more than others.

  8. Do everything better than those you are resentful off and sod them :)

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