
What is a game called Risk?

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What is a game called Risk?




  1. a game called i the other players think that they have more then you they take a risk

  2. It's a military based board game, my husband plays it with the kids, the board is a map and the players try to take over eachother's countries.  You can find the rules on

  3. A fun game in which the goal is to control the world.  There are 42 territories on 6 continents.  Troops are placed on these territories and battles are fought with dice.  Win more territories and get more troops.  Basic Risk is fun and you will never get tired of it.  Newer versions are coming out all the time.  Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Transformers.

  4. It's a strategy game....players attempt to conquer countries

  5. Risk is a game for i believe up to six players you roll dice and draw cards according to what you roll and you try to take over the "world" my boyfriend and his friends LOVE it

  6. Its a board game with upto 4  or 5 players that has the world divided into geographic areas called "counties" IE the U.S. is listed as North America. ect.. that have to be conquered by using game pieces called armies to attack and take over other " countries" with the roll of dice the name risk is well a risk because the defending country the one being attacked always has the advantage in the roll of the die a attacher usually need 3 to 4 times the amount of armies in his country to attack a neighboring country to win, the object of the game is to control the world and defeat your opponets strategies and alliances players can make alliances with one another .. to attack on two or more fronts against an opposing player or accumulation of armies by one or more players...

  7. Its a game where you line your pieces up on a board across from one another like chess. In chess, your opponent can see the strength of your piece before it attacts, but in Risk you do not know how powerful the other piece is. If the other piece is more powerful than yours, then you lose that piece. One of your pieces is a flag and the first person to capture the opponets flag wins.

  8. It's a classic strategy board game where the goal is to conquer the world.  A great game that I spent a lot of time on when I was younger.

  9. ok 1st, muska, that is stratego u are thinking of.

    Risk is a 2-6 player game. There are 42 territories spread of 6 continents. Each continent conquered gains addition armies in addition to the back-ups you get normally. You can spin 1 less dies that the people on your country, up to 3. The defender can defend w/ 2. The 2 highest pairs are taken. You can only attack connecting territories......

    Hope this helps!

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