
What is a good board game????

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What is a good board game????




  1. Monopoly

  2. Ouija board.  Summon daemons and speak with the dead.

  3. Scrabble is the best ever.

  4. Monopoly. Life or scrabble. These are all classics and most people have played them.

    Hope this helps

  5. For a group of more than two...Apples to Apples...SO FUN!

  6. Trival Pursuit!!!!

  7. Monopoly is the best :D

  8. Risk

  9. Settlers of Catan.  It rules...for real.  It's one of the best board games ever and has won awards because of that.  Trust's so fun.

  10. stratego

  11. Panzer Blitz

  12. My vote is for RISK.

  13. That's a really vague kind of question. What kind of game? For how many players? How long of a play time?

    If you want to look through a crazy amount of game reviews and stuff you should check out this site:

    Go to Games>Categories and you can look from there. Most of the games on the site have player reviews, ratings and sometimes even user tips on things like variations of game play to keep those old games fresh. It's a pretty great site.

  14. Monopoly!

  15. If u like war & strategy, I recommend RISK, it's 2-4 player game, about using armies to conquer the world and it's time consuming! It also requires strategy and it's also fun.

    It comes in original (earth) RISK, star wars RISK and i think there are others as well...

  16. Ouija....' wink '

  17. cluedo!

  18. Monopoly && Life are my favorites

    Mall Madness is pretty funny.

    Is Scatagories a board game??

  19. I used to love playing "Life" as a kid.I used to spin that wheel so hard it would go flying.

  20. well theirs different kind of board games it depends what you like. do you like mystery games like clue or a long and buying properties game with alot of money like monopoly or a game based on your career your house and everything else game like life you decide.

    ps: i've always wanted to play life but i never got to :(

  21. I love Monopoly, but only when more than 2 people are involved.

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