
What is a good insect repellant ???

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What is a good insect repellant ???




  1. For mossies?

    Jungle Formula.

  2. One with DEET in it check the label

  3. From someone who gets eaten alive my mosquitoes - I have tried them all but some of them are so smelly the smell makes me feel sick.  The best thing I have found is to wear Avon's skin so soft - the blue green one and spray this on - mosquitos, midgies hate it and it smells okay and not greasy.

  4. Boots own brand extra strength insect repellant spray. I went to Nepal and everyone else got bitten but my sister and I were bite free. I even wrote to them when I got back to tell them I was impressed with the product.

  5. Jungle formula is pretty good.

  6. Yep, must have DEET in it.

    I personally like one called Bushman, its in a green squeezy bottle generally, looks like a small suncream bottle.

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