
What is a good spider repellent?

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I live in the SW with very high 3 digit temperatures during summer. In my master bath I have a million (no exaggeration) tiny spiders. They just popped up over night! I think they came by way of the window to escape the heat. Does any one know of a good remedy to get rid of these little pests?




  1. Spiders or are they mites?  Mites look a lot like spiders.. why not wash everything down with hot soapy water and see if that solves the problem. If you have any plants our master bath.. take them all out and dump the soil and repot.. they could have been hatched in the dirt.

  2. they are babies, the mothers eggsack or cacoon hatched just get some toilet paper and wipe them up, wear rubber gloves in case they are deadly

  3. s***n

  4. use spider traps everywher spray wears out......ther's your best anwser

  5. Ooosh tricky.

    I don't know of a repellent that would get rid of so many spiders (Just imagine the clearing up)!

    Spare a few hours and get a bowl and a newspaper. [This is like the beaker and postcard method but on a bigger scale]

    Try and trap as many spiders as possible under the bowl.

    Use the newspaper to slide quickly under it and trap them on the newspaper. Then, balancing the bowl on the newspaper, dash to the window [pleaseletitbeopenpleaseletitbeopen] and shake the little things free. Do it until there's a small amount that you can wash down the drain.

    Sorry it's not a repellent as such.


  6. Sounds like an egg-ball just hatched.

    No need to go all toxic-spray or expensive professional: Just vacuum them up and discard the vacuum bag.

  7. Purchase Eucalyptus Sprigs from a Craft Store. Place them near doors and windows.

  8. Why be cruel to the spiders. There just little creatures.

  9. Somewhere on the internet I read about a way to make a spider trap.  Take a can and fill it partially with oil and put it on it's side.  Prop one end up slightly.  When the spider crawls in supposedly as soon as it's legs hit the oil it will become trapped, unable to get out.  I've also read they make sticky traps for them.

  10. A shoe.

    Call an Exterminator.

    Sounds like a huge nest just hatched.

    Have your whole home sprayed.

    Also of course Raid works, but your problem is bigger than that.

    Get it fixed fast.

    Before they start to reproduce again, in your home.

    Or you eat a few at night



  11. your foot

  12. A fast, heavy foot.

  13. Dryer Sheets, we use them in Iraq and Afghanistan.  just rub them on your skin, and put them in your shoes.  Unused of course.

    Then of course for the home, call a pest control specialist.

  14. We use Ortho.  You spray the interior/exterior wherever you have them.  They disappear and it works for up to a summer season.  They sell it at home depot, it comes with a nozzle for easy spraying.  Good luck:)

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