
What is a good starter reptile?

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Iam interested in snake but lizards are fine.




  1. Green anoles.

  2. Well for a "beginner or starter" I would recommend a snake... a ball python for many reasons. But I myself don't really believe there is such thing as a beginner or starter snake because just owning any type of snake or any type of animal will always have it's risks.

    Some info on ball pythons: They are "docile" but would never recommend to be near children w/out someone watching because ball pythons or get head shy. Any quick movements can scare them so if a child is holding it, please be careful. Ball pythons tend to stay quite small(5-6 feet) so that's why they are considered as beginner snakes. But I'm just going to tell you that they aren't eh bestest eaters in the world. Actually they are quite picky! So if there is something in the cage that don't like they probably won't eat. Or if they don't like the way you're feeding them. But they don't tend to bite or strike as often though. So in summary, the pros- stay pretty small and they are more docile then some others so don't need to be handle daily. Cons- They are head-shy and for the most part horrible eaters.

    Cornsnake: They are one of the best eaters I've seen other then king snakes and all that. They don't get to big(around 5 feet) and they are..I guess docile. You do need to handle then daily though just in case. So they would be use to being handle by people. Corn snakes would make an OK beginner snake but I wouldn't recommend children around them because they could squeeze them and most likely kill him because corn snakes have very small bodies. Pros- Kind of docile, excellent eaters, stay small. Cons- Does need to be handle often, not the best snakes to have around kids because of their size.

    Lizards are cool too. Sorry I can't really give you any info on them because I don't own one or did any research on them...(they aren't my sort of thing) but it could be yours though!

    I hope this could help!

  3. Corn snake are the best pet snake to beggin with.they are very easy to care for. almost never bite unless you smell like his food or you provoque them. they are curious and active so when handle they like to move and explore. they come in very various colors and eat mices that are frozen are some care sheet on corns:

    Leopard geckos are good beginner lizard they are very calm and docile when handle.they live at night.they eat crickets and mealworm and waxworms.and are easy to care for. here are some care info:

    Crested gecko are very fun to watch. they are also easy to care for.they need a humid environment .you dont have to give them bugs for food.they can also eat crested gecko diet that is apowder mix with can handle them but they can be jumpy and unpredictable.her are some care sheet on cresties:

    they can all live up to 20 years so they are lifetime pets. good luck picking your choice.

  4. Cornsnakes and leopard geckos are good first reptiles.  (Avoid iguanas, even though they are popular, they are difficlut to take care of properly).  Make sure you do alot of reading before getting you new pet.  I have seen many sick reptiles due to owners not knowing how to take care of them.  Just be knowlegable before you get the animal.

  5. well a leopard gecko is a good first pet they are easy to take care of. They use the bathroom in one area of the tank, not that expensive a baby would cost you around $24 Dollars. I happen to have two of them. And for a snake a King snake would be a good choice as well they are very friendly i had one to.

  6. ball pythons are very docile and good. corn snakes are good too. bearded dragons are good starter lizards.

  7. For a first time snake owner kingsnakes, cornsnakes, and milksnakes all make good pets.  A lot of pet shops will tell you that ball pythons make good first time snakes but they really don’t…ball pythons take specific humidity requirements and ball pythons can go on really long hunger strikes (like for a year) which by the end of it both snake and owner are stressed out.  kings, corns, and milks can tolerate handling and don’t need a whole lot of humidity.  And they are usually docile snakes.

    Good luck!

  8. Turtle, Tortoise or Leopard Gecko.

    Easy to handle, tough and sturdy, and live a long time.

  9. I say a baby turtle. you can go to any place to get one. they live from 5 to 7 years. mines 8 yearsold. her names logoona

  10. Salamanders ?  

    Turtles and frogs are cool.

    I hate snakes.

  11. Uromastyx

  12. anoles or maybe a baby red ear but like i always say when u get any reptile do research on it for the benefit of you and ur new cute scaly friend!!!

  13. Get an Iguana, but they do live FOREVER though, so it's a HUGE committment, but they are cool.

  14. leopard gecko

    leopard lizard

    blue tongue skink

    spiny crevace lizard

    collared lizard

    bearded dragon

    blue spiny lizard

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