
What is a good temp.?

by Guest44848  |  earlier

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I have Honeywell air cond. I put it on cool and on 79 or 78. There is a auto fan too but it is not on. It said it is 83 degrees on it. This is for house.




  1. about 70 to 75 is good

  2. Try putting the fan on instead of auto sometimes that helps to bring the leftover cool air into your house when the A/C is off. Also I would try setting the tempurature to a lower setting such as 72-75. If this does not help I would suggest calling your local heating and cooling company and have them take a look at your A/C.

  3. we keep it at 68

  4. Try turning the air to 75. Close all your windows if u have not done so. Try turning the fan to on instead of auto, if this does not lower the temp call the company to take a look at it hopefully u still r under warranty, good luck, stay cool.

  5. 72-75 is good

  6. i keep my air conditioner on 68 it pretty cool
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