
What is a gothic cathedral?

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i know that notre dame is one but what is it?





  2. It's a cathedral constructed during a certain time in history, there are certain characteristics that make it gothic, vs. romanesque or rococco etc... go to for more info on the style of architecture.

  3. Gothic cathedrals are most easily recognized by the flying buttresses. The artists/engineers wanted to bring in more light with larger stained glass windows. This involved creating larger holes in the walls, weakening the main structure. To solve this, the weight distribution was moved to the outside by creating external pillars and walls. Hence, the flying buttresses.

    Notre Dame is the most famous gothic church. If you are in the city, don't miss the finest example: Sainte Chapelle. This is just around the corner from Notre Dame, inside the police department buildings.

  4. The arch supporting  the ceiling of a gothic cathedral is more pointed than the arch of a romanesque cathedral. The buttress of a roman cathedral are more roundish in shape while gothic more pointed in shape. The three most famous Gothic cathedrals in France are Norte Dame in Paris, the one in Chartres, and the one in Laon, which was build on a hill.

  5. Notre Dame Cathedral is known as the "gothic cathedral" in Paris. It's a church.

    Notre-Dame is probably the most famous image in French Gothic art. Those chimères,(fire-breathing female monster resembling a lion in front, a goat in the middle, and a dragon behind) quickly became not only icons of Gothic fantasy, but archetypal gargoyles.

    The gargoyles all over the building (designed to keep evil spirits away) are quite creepy. Some are eating cats for breakfast.

    The cathedral of NOTRE DAME is over eight hundred years old.

    Construction began in 1163 and the Cathedral took nearly two hundred years to build.

    Notre Dame de Paris was made very famous by French writer, Victor Hugo, who wrote a book called "The Hunchback of Notre Dame."

    Check out the images at web links below.

    Hope this helps.

    Kind regards, Wendy

  6. You can see a photo of Amiens Gothic cathedral here

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